Chrome, chiavi biometriche per accedere a Password su Mac e Windows thumbnail

Chrome, Password accessible soon via biometric keys on PC

Chrome, biometric keys to access Password on Mac and Windows thumbnail

Google Chrome will allow you to use biometric keys to access Passwordbe on Mac than on Windows. The new function makes it easier and safer to access your password database in the Google manager.

Chrome, biometric keys to access Google Password on Mac and Windows

Currently, using Chrome on your PC, you must use a “master password” to access the list of all your online access keys. But on the version 105 and 106 of the browser, Google is testing the possibility of using your fingerprint reader laptop Windows where he TouchID of MacBooks for fast and secure access.

A feature that on Android already works using i sensori biometrici of your smartphone. While on Windows you have to enter your Windows PC password to log in. But soon you will find a setting that allows you to enable fingerprint recognition even on laptops.

Google Chrome

In the browser settings you can enable the option, which you will then activate within Google Password. This should allow everyone to use fingerprint unlock for auto-fill, copy and change saved passwords.

On smartphones, the ability to forget passwords in order to use biometric sensors instead makes it much easier to use the password manager. Which is a great tool for use different passwords on each site, without needing to be simple to help you remember them. A cybersecurity measure that, especially if you have many online accounts, is really necessary.

At the moment the functionality still does not work in browser betas, although adding the option means that Google will soon add the ability to test them for all developers. It is currently unclear when this feature will become available to everyone. We will keep you posted.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.