Su Discord nasce la community del metaverso di Coderblock thumbnail

Coderblock, the metaverse community arrives on Discord

Discord allows you to aggregate communities and message, not only talking about video games but also about other topics, from music to the Web3. The community of Coderblockthe Italian blockchain company, which inaugurates the Discord channel to bring together the international community dedicated to its own metaverso.

The Coderblock metaverse community on Discord

This community was born with the aim of building a space for sharing, information and gamification. The common thread of the server of Coderblock on Discord is indeed the experience. Who seeks help, who issues a challenge. Each user can prepare together with the others to enter the metaverse.

On the server then space to information, with dedicated channels to stay updated. Even with different modes of communication, from chat to video call. And then there are chat dedicate a FAQ, supporto, beta-list, giveaway. You can clarify doubts, ask questions, seek help and ask for support regarding cryptotokens, NFTs and land trading in the Coderblock metaverse and beyond.

metaverso community discord coderblock min

Then there are the challenges set in Hexagon Plaza or other places in the metaverse. The challenges could involve Cody, the virtual assistant, or other characters. Each challenge has a reward, for example, in the form of Experience Point. The most active users will get badges, access to reserved channels or virtual medals that can be used in the metaverse. The winners of the challenges could have access by right to exclusive lists or giveaway of NFT or small money supply.

“The Discord channel is a way for Coderblock users to network with each other and allows us in the team to have direct contact with our community, sharing the various stages of the journey and offering many opportunities related to experiences in the metaverse. Especially at this moment, when we are about to open our first commercial office in the United States, we are happy to be able to welcome the new users who will arrive in a single sharing space. ” – declares Danilo CostaCEO & Founder di Coderblock.

With the entry into the Discord server of the Italian blockchain company, by July 30 you can participate in the Closed Beta di Hexagon Plaza. This is the virtual square, the hub of Coderblock’s metaverse activities. If you want to try it out, go to the dedicated Discord server.

Here instead you can access Coderblock.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.