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Communities are coming to WhatsApp

Still news for the WhatsApp App, on which Meta is working intensively to optimize the user experience. The function may soon become available “Community”, identified by WABetaInfo in the beta of the update for iOS. It has already appeared months in the beta for Android In short, a feature that has already been talked about a lot, but which could actually become usable by users only in the next few weeks. But what do WhatsApp Communities really consist of? Let’s find out together.

WhatsApp: Community is the new feature coming to iOS and Android

From what we know, the WhatsApp Community will be something of a place of aggregation of groups present on the platform. With the new update, in fact, the administrators who manage the WhatsApp groups will be able to connect them together to form a real digital community. In this way all users who are part of it will be able to view the content of linked groups. And the moderators will be able to communicate with the participants by sending messages and warnings in the appropriate section “Announcements”. In short, a virtual community in which a large number of people can communicate with each other in a practical and fast way.

WhatsApp CommunityCredits: WABetaInfo

As revealed by WABetaInfo a few months ago, therefore, the WhatsApp Community will be nothing more than “a private place between people protected by end-to-end encryption”. Furthermore, according to what is reported by the portal, the community will have a distinctive layout on the platform. More specifically, “the Community icons are square with rounded edges to distinguish the Community from a group chat”, reports WABetaInfo. And each will have your name e your description, so as to be easily recognizable for everyone. In essence, it will be a kind of “group of groups”, in which administrators can connect with each other up to a maximum of 10 groups.

Additionally, administrators might also have the option to invite other people to join the community of WhatsApp. Apparently, users will be able to be added manually to the community – like what already happens for groups -, or they will be able to participate through a special invitation link to the Community. In short, the function offers the possibility of fragmenting the communication on the platform, which could prove to be very useful in the case of the management of remote teaching of a school’s classes. Or in that of the communication of the different sections of a company. Or simply in sharing news between groups of friends.

Beyond the use you choose to make of it, in fact, what we are interested in bringing to your attention is how much the novelty of the Communities on WhatsApp revolutionizes the concept of group conversation. Now administrators will have the ability to connect small groups with each other, making the App a sort of contemporary agora. A square where everyone can talk to everyone, staying comfortably in their own group. A novelty that marks an important step forward in the user experience on WhatsApp.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.