Cryptogaming: come gestire giochi online e criptovalute in sicurezza thumbnail

Cryptogaming: how to manage online games and cryptocurrencies safely

The online gambling industry has reached an estimated value of $ 53.7 billion annually. From sports betting to video slots, there are now many games and opportunities to bet money through digital casinos. Furthermore, for some years the most advanced platforms have allowed cryptogaming, i.e. playing casino games through cryptocurrencies. This means that you can bet using for example Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin together with the traditional currency in dollars, euros, pounds etc.

Being still in the infancy of blockchain-based technologies, when it comes to games that directly or indirectly involve real money, it’s best to proceed with caution. So you have to ask yourself: what features should a smartphone or tablet have for playing casino games with cryptocurrencies? How do you secure the device a user plays on? How do you choose a safe and reliable online casino?

Panda Security will try to resolve these and other doubts with its advice below, reminding all users that the main risk of those who play online is addiction and always inviting them to play responsibly.

Casino games and cryptocurrencies

Online gaming has two great advantages if you use Bitcoins: the speed of transactions and the possibility of receiving much greater welcome bonuses.

Unfortunately, the necessary computing power greatly limits the gaming experience, especially live; moreover, if we add to this the integration of cryptocurrency transactions, we immediately understand that very powerful mobile devices are needed. If you want to play in Bitcoin or Ethereum we will have to add other software infrastructures to the devices, from integration with a secure wallet to fair gaming verification flows (such as Provably Fair), up to exchange management and communication with the blockchain, i.e. the distributed ledger on which all cryptocurrency transactions are noted.

A very performing device is therefore needed, but until smartphones are as powerful as current laptops it will be possible to play mobile only to a limited number of online casino games with crypto.

Sicurezza Cryptogaming

For these reasons, safety is even more important and it is very important carefully choose the crypto casino in which to play.

The addition of support for cryptocurrencies is a further complicating element, because they greatly increase the skills needed to use this technology. The world of cryptogambling is a territory of light and shadow, in which it is easy to run into non-serious companies that do not comply with security standards or that even use the bitcoin gambling hook to attract new victims for their online scams.

If you want to play crypto casinos, the first thing to do is read up: look for information online and don’t rely on the first casino announcement. Furthermore, it must be verified that it is a casino with a regular license for online gambling and that the integration with cryptocurrencies is authentic and supported by the related blockchains.

These first steps are common sense, but it is always good to highlight them. As a second step, Panda Security recommends that you protect your device and data in the best possible way:

  • Create a secure wallet or invest in one of the first blockchain-based smartphones.
  • Use all the security systems of the exchange platforms on which it is possible to buy and trade cryptocurrencies.
  • Install a strong antivirus for your mobile device.
  • Avoid dangerous online activities on the device used to manage cryptocurrencies and play online.

In conclusion, you can play casino games with cryptocurrencies on mobile but it is essential to have a powerful and above all safe device.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.