Gli utenti DAZN lamentano problemi e disservizi durante Inter - Napoli thumbnail

DAZN refund for Inter – Napoli: this is how it works •

DAZN refund for Inter - Napoli: this is how it works thumbnail

The resumption of the Serie A championship started in the worst way for DAZN which he recorded obvious disruptions during the Inter – Napoli match and is now forced to issue a refund to injured users. The announcement came in these hours following the meeting between DAZN itself with the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso and the one for Sport Giovanni Andrea Abodi. Here are all the details about it:

How DAZN refunds work for Inter – Napoli

DAZN will match a quarter of the monthly pass for users affected by the disruption during Inter – Napoli. The refund will be recognized in the form of a credit or voucher and will allow users to obtain a discount on the renewal of the subscription.

Regarding the problem, DAZN highlighted: “In underlining that the disruption was caused by an external global partner in charge of managing the distribution of traffic on the servers and had a much more limited dimension than what occurred last summer”

In the last monthsDAZN has made a significant effort to combat the phenomenon of disruption. The resumption of the championship and the problem recorded during Inter Napoli, however, confirm that there is always the risk that the streaming platform is unable to manage traffic in the best possible way. We’ll see if there will be further disruptions in the future.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.