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Denisova: a gene shaped adaptation to cold climate

Denisovan genetic legacy continues to unlock secrets about human adaptation, SLC30A9 gene and its variants testify to the challenges of dealing with changing environments

Exploring the genetic landscape of our own ancestors reveals incredible stories of adaptation and survival. Among the myriads of genetic footprints left behind, the gene SLC30A9 brings with it the story of how it may have contributed to the resilience of human populations against cold climates. Let’s delve deeper into the genetic inheritance of Denisova and the impact of a SLC30A9 gene variant on human evolution. As humans ventured out of Africa, they encountered diverse climates and challenges. The quest for adaptation has driven genetic mutations and hybridization events that have shaped our genetic diversity. Recent studies, such as the one published in PLOS Genetics by researchers fromInstitute of Evolutionary Biology and of thePompeu Fabra University, shed light on the interaction between ancient hominids and our genetic history. SLC30A9 encodes a ubiquitous transporter that regulates the release of zinc from the cell. This metal plays several roles in our metabolism, which is why its quantity must be carefully controlled.

Denisova: a gene shaped adaptation to cold climate

Denisovans have adapted to the cold thanks to a gene

The gene has two main variants, A and G, with differentiated geographical distributions. While variant A is widespread in African populations, variant G shows a higher frequency in East Asia and is also present in Europe and other regions. Genomic analyses revealed that the G variant was inherited from Denisovans and subsequently introduced into modern human populations through hybridization events. The G variant is hypothesized to have provided an adaptive advantage to ancient humans during their dispersal across Europe and Asia, helping them to survive the harshest climates.

Although the G variant offered advantages inadaptation to the coldstudies also highlight an association with neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression and schizophrenia. Further studies are needed to fully understand the impact of genetic variants on human health conditions and to elucidate the underlying mechanisms.

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