
Teenagers spend too much time online: they often skip school

Teens who spend too much time online are more likely to skip school. This is what a study says. How to solve this problem?

The digital age has brought with it new challenges in the education and well-being of people teenagers, who spend too much time online. A recent one study conducted in Finland highlighted a worrying correlation between the excessive man of the Internet and the increase in the rate of school absenteeism. Spending an excessive amount of time online not only distracts them from studying, but also pushes them to frequently skip school. The phenomenon of school “leaving”, as it is commonly called, seems to be intensifying among those who cannot tear themselves away from their digital devices. The research, published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, analyzed behaviors and habits of 86,270 children aged between 14 and 16 via it School Health Promotion study.

Teenagers spend too much time online: they often skip schoolTeenagers spend too much time online: they often skip school

How to help teenagers who spend too much time online?

Important indicators of a problematic use of the Internet include neglect of school and personal commitments,disconnection anxiety and the distraction during meals where he night rest. Interestingly, girls are particularly vulnerable to these behaviors. They have a 38% risk of skipping school and a 24% risk of being absent due to illness compared to their male peers. However, the study also identified factors that can mitigate these risks. A solid and trusting bond with parents has proven to be the most effective prevention strategy. Young people who can freely express their concerns to their parents tend to be less likely to skip school.

Likewise, adequate night's rest and regular physical activity help to detach children from the virtual world and to keep them anchored to reality, significantly reducing school absenteeism. While the compulsive use of digital tools is associated with an increase in absenteeism, a balanced life with family support and attention to lifestyle habits can effectively counteract this problem. This information is vital for those working in the education sector to ensure a healthy and stimulating school environment. In this area, digital does not become an obstacle but an enrichment of the educational life for teenagers who are too online.

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