Diabolik nei videogiochi: le avventure digitali del ladro mascherato thumbnail

Diabolik in video games: the digital adventures of the masked thief

Diabolik is undoubtedly one of the longest-running and most iconic Italian comic series ever made. The saga began in the now distant 1962, created by the pencil of Angela and Luciana Giussani, and today it has about 900 albi. As you surely know, in a few days, on December 16, a feature film dedicated to the masked thief directed by Manetti Bros and for the occasion we at Tech Princess asked ourselves a question: are there any Diabolik video games? The answer, against all odds, is yes. Here’s what they are.

Diabolik in video games

Before starting, a small premise is necessary: ​​what exactly are the distinctive features by Diabolik? The thief of the Giussani sisters has always been a man who has no qualms about killing, even if in the last few iterations he has taken on more of the traits ofantieroe and less than villain true that it was in the first editions. In addition to his lack of morale, on Diabolik’s side there is a great acumen, which allows him to prepare his shots in every little detail.

Accustomed to the creation of substances capable of having different effects on his victim, the real ace in the hole of the most iconic villain in Italy are certainly the masks, with which Diabolik can take on anyone’s face so as not to arouse suspicion.

Diabolik video games

With these pillars firmly planted on the ground we can start talking about the first of the videogames on Diabolik, born in 1992 by the Italian studio Simulmondo It is entitled Elusive Criminal. The most interesting part of this production, very basic in terms of gameplay, is that it was published in very short chapters of about an hour each, exactly like the comics.

12 chapters of Elusive Criminal came out, which unlike comics, usually self-contained, told stories that developed over multiple releases, thus creating interactive mini sagas, complete with action and platform elements, albeit very archaic.

Original sin and the lost video game

Diabolik’s next videogame adventure dates back to 2001, when it came out The Jewel of the Tower, to date a practically forgotten product, given that it was part of an animated series dedicated to the masked thief. There is not much information about this product, which has in fact been lost in the folds of time.

It is much better known instead Diabolik: Original Sin, released in 2007 on PC, Playstation 2, PSP, Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii and made by Artematica. In this case we are faced with the best video game ever made about the thief of the Giussani, and which for this reason also had some success abroad. An excellent result if we consider the Italian character of the production.

Diabolik video games

The plot is textbook, with Eva Kant being kidnapped and Diabolik setting out on a mission to free her and take revenge on the kidnappers in the process. The gameplay also offers a wide range of quite varied situations, which mixes elements from puzzle game and action, in a mixture that is not totally effective but certainly interesting.

In short, Diabolik’s videogame history is not exactly thriving; a real shame, given that potentially interesting action / stealth themed titles could be created on the figure of the Giussani thief.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.