Diversità a Wall Street: la rivoluzione parte dalle aziende tech thumbnail

Diversity on Wall Street: the revolution starts with tech companies

The rules a Wall Street they begin to change starting from the companies of the Nasdaq index, and are strongly oriented towards the diversity on the boards of directors. The aim is to prevent, for example, only male and white-skinned individuals at the helm of the most important technology companies.

To be listed in the very important index of technology companies, the Nasdaq, it will be necessary to certify the presence on the board of directors of at least one woman and at least one representative of a minority, or of the LGBTQ community.

The checks will be periodic and repeated over time, and if the Internet and technology giants do not comply with the new rules, they will have to personally explain why. In this case, they will risk exclusion from the index as mentioned.

diversity wall street nasdaq

Diversity on Wall Street: starting with Nasdaq companies

This is certainly a parameter that companies like Facebook, Google, Apple O Amazon they will have to take into account in the construction of their own board of directors. For the uninitiated, the board of directors brings together the main executives at the top of the company and has a high decision-making power.

The new set of rules will most likely be extended to other sectors as well, so improve inclusivenessà in companies of all sectors. This type of regulation, however forced it may seem, aims to ensure fairness and that even minorities are represented in the giants that, in one way or another, manage large aspects of our lives.

The fight for the rights of minorities

Fortunately, in recent years, the struggle for the rights of minorities and the LGBTQ community has had a strong media coverage. Despite this, there are still many steps forward, especially in our country, and too often there are still episodes of hatred and discrimination.

We hope this is the first step to making the world of business and technology ever more inclusive and capable of acting in the interest of all individuals, and not just those who are part of a majority.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.