Dott vince il bando per lo sharing milanese: confermato per altri 3 anni thumbnail

Dott wins the Milanese sharing tender: confirmed for another 3 years

The results of the public announcement have been announced milanese per lo sharing: Dra European leader, was awarded both procedures and will therefore continue to manage the service of both scooters and bicycles for another 3 years. A further success that comes after the confirmation on Rome and Turin and which, therefore, consolidates Dott’s position in the panorama of sustainable urban mobility in Italy.

Dott continues to dominate the Milanese market with its sharing

The company stands out for its dual proposition, which includes both 2,000 scooters, with the latest generation model with indicators in line with recent regulations, which 2,000 electric bicycles, equipped with inner tube tires for greater comfort, of which 150 with seat e 15 cargo bike.

This diversification aims to satisfy the different mobility needs of users, offering a convenient and eco-friendly alternative for every urban journey. With the successful completion of the technical test which took place in recent days which ensures the quality and reliability of the service offered, the actual launch of the new service is expected in the next few days.

Dott sharing expands

A significant element of this new phase is the expansion of the operational area of ​​the service. In recent months, Dott has already expanded the area by going to also cover the outermost areas of the city such as Dergano, Parco Trenno, Lorenteggio and Bisceglie. With the launch of the new service, the operational area will cover the entire municipal area.

This strategic decision aims to ensure wider accessibility and reach a more diverse range of users. But Dott’s ambitions do not stop here: the company is open to evaluating further extensions, with the possibility of including the municipalities in the first Milanese belt interested in offering the sharing service. Already today, there are many commuters who use the service both in Milan and in Monza and Varese, the other Lombard cities where the Dott service is active.


La formula station based

Shared scooter and bicycle service will be available according to formula station based: the Administration will define parking areas, indicated on the operator’s app, dedicated to parking vehicles to ensure respect for public order and harmonious integration of the service within the urban context.

To this end, Dott asks users to upload a photo of the parking lot to the app once the journey is over, so as to verify its correctness also with the help of theArtificial intelligencewhich will instantly examine the photo and allow the user to receive immediate feedback on the closure of his rental and thus understand the infringement committed to learn not to repeat it.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.