La recensione di Dyson Gen5detect: si alza il livello, ma anche il prezzo thumbnail

Dyson Gen5detect review: the level is raised, but so is the price

“It Dyson“.
Do you ever think about how many times this is said? And not necessarily to indicate a product Dyson. In reality, over time, “Dyson” has become almost synonymous with “cordless vacuum cleaner”, at least in Europe.
The reason is obvious: today it is the reference in the sector. By design, by power, by functionality.
This year the British company tries to raise the bar again with Dyson Gen5detect, evolution of the V15 Detect that we have come to love over the last 2 years.

Why Gen5 and not V-something?
It is the first question that we too asked ourselves.
We had the V2, the V6, the V8, the V10, the V11, the V12 and finally the V15.
Could they call it V16? Of course, but Dyson wanted to convey a clear message: the central element of the newcomer is the “Gen5”, i.e. the fifth generation engine.

The Dyson Gen5detect engine

Dyson Gen5detect recensione spazzola fluffy opticThe new Fluffy Optic brush

To animate Dyson Gen5detect we find, as anticipated, the almost homonymous engine. And there it is. After all, the engines are the beating heart of these cordless vacuum cleaners, so much so that they have dictated their iconic shape.

Il Gen5 is the fruit of the work of over 100 engineers spread across 3 countries and it took a good 4 and a half years of development. Four and a half years that today allow him to reach the 135,000 rpm, making it faster than a Formula 1 car engine and an airplane jet. Impressive, right?

All this was then compacted as much as possible. To be clear, does not mean that it is smaller than the predecessor. On the contrary, the dimensions are more important than the V15 but in return we have a power of 262 AirWatt against the previous 240.

The HEPA filter against viruses

The engine, however, is not the only novelty of this year. Now we can count on a new filter: 1.9 meters long, folded 145 times and able to catch 99.99% of particles larger than 0.1 micron.
We know, it is a value that is difficult to imagine. Let’s get practical: 70 microns is the size of hair, 30 microns that of a grain of pollen, 0.5 microns are the flakes of animal skin (the ones that then cause allergic reactions) and 0.1 micron is practically a virus . So yes, Dyson Gen5detect is the first cordless vacuum cleaner to also suck up viruses.
Naturally we have not had the opportunity to verify it, we must necessarily rely on Dyson’s declarations, and on those of the external body that tested this thing with the H1N1 and MS2 viruses. On the other hand, no tests were carried out with Covid-19 (for rather obvious reasons) but the dimensions are similar so potentially you could aspirate that too.

Dyson Gen5detect accessories reviewDyson Gen5detect and its accessories

A single precaution regarding the filter, also valid for the previous models: remember to wash it under water. And by “remember” we mean “listen to your Dyson when it signals that the filter needs to be cleaned“.

Because it is important? Because the HEPA filter is the one that blocks viruses and particles before spitting the air out, which in this way is clean.

Dyson Gen5detect review: hey, the trigger is gone!

Dyson Gen5detect recensione DysonRed button and new interface for Gen5detect

Engine and filter are two fundamental innovations but difficult to notice with the naked eye.
However, there are some changes that are immediately visible. The first is the absence of the trigger.
After years of holding down that small piece of plastic, keeping our finger taut, now everything changes: Dyson Gen5detect has a red button on the back, above the display, with which you turn it on and off.
Here, maybe you will need a few days to get used to it. After all, we have been pressing the trigger and inhaling for years, but this mechanism has obvious limitations: we have more effort, it becomes annoying in the long run, especially if you use it to clean surfaces positioned higher up (or remove cobwebs), and it takes a moment to press it accidentally.
The button solves all these problems but know that you cannot press it with the same hand with which you hold the vacuum cleaner, you will necessarily need the other one. Dyson’s is not a completely senseless choice: those with small hands don’t risk losing their grip in an attempt to reach the key; in doubt so everyone when they have to use the other hand.
Instead, it remains within thumb’s reach the key to switch modeschoosing one of the three available, even if we hardly bolted from the automatic one.

What’s the plus? Well, that adapts the power by itself based on the type of dirt encountered. This also allows you to optimize autonomy, complete with new 10 cell battery available. The manufacturer promises 70 minutes of cleaning, 10 more than the V15. A tangible difference? Well, it mostly depends on the size of your home. We hardly manage to touch the hour of cleaning therefore, in daily use, we have not particularly benefited from the new autonomy, autonomy which in part we also owe to the Gen5 engine which is a little less energy intensive.

During the aspiration you will notice another novelty: the interface has changed. Now simple bars show you the size of the dirt vacuumed in a manner clear and legiblea valid help to understand if and how much to insist on that precise area.
He will also think about giving you a hand the new Fluffy Optic brush. Why “new” if it looks similar to the “old” one? Well, it looks similar but it’s actually been re-engineered. We therefore find the light above the floor, however it illuminates a much larger surface and in a slightly more uniform way. This helps you to actually see what is on various surfaces, helping you to target your Dyson Gen5detect.

And the accessories?

Dyson Gen5detect review launches

The newcomer hits the shelves in Absolute versionversion that includes three motorized heads, a nozzle with manual brush, the hose, the power supply and the wall charging support.
But there is a surprise: the spear is integrated. By pressing the red button positioned along the tube, you release this accessory, without the need to connect anything else. It sounds glamorous but it’s actually very comfortable: unhook and hook on the fly and clean just as quickly all those spaces where the hose is not necessary and where, for some reason, it prevents you from reaching.

The Dyson Gen5detect review: conclusions

Dyson Gen5detect review price 2

Dyson Gen5detect is flawless: it is comfortable, powerful, equipped with all the necessary accessories, simple to understand and with good autonomy. He does his job admirably and raises the bar again, certainly putting the competitors in difficulty who will now try to run for cover to keep up.
From theirs, however, the competition could have an obvious advantage: the price. The latest cordless vacuum cleaner from the British giant has an important price: 999 euro. About 250 euros more than the still excellent Dyson V15 Detect which yes, is still for sale.

Is it the best you can find on the market today? Surely. The price though is not super-popular. It is suitable for those who are very demanding and are not afraid to face the expense. For all the others, the excellent V8, V11, V12 and V15 as well as Omni-glide are still on sale.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.