eBay rimuoverà gli oggetti che esprimono sostegno a Putin thumbnail

eBay will remove items expressing support for Putin

eBay will remove items expressing support for Putin thumbnail

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Also eBay stands in support of the Ukrainian people. In the last few hours, the platform has announced that it will remove the articles expressing support for Vladimir Putin. Trina Somera, spokesperson for the site, stressed that eBay has a “strict policy against items that promote or glorify hatred or violence”. Consequently, any items glorifying the Russian President are not allowed for sale on the site. But let’s find out something more.

eBay will suspend the sale of Vladimir Putin celebratory items

“Merchandise that could indicate support for Vladimir Putin is banned on eBay,” the platform said in the last few hours. Despite this, it will still be possible to purchase “historical or educational books and materials”. The suspension from the sale concerns, in fact, only the celebratory articles of the Russian President. An action that eBay was not the only one to carry out. In Britain, for example, Amazon has suspended the sale of items used by the Ukrainian military. On the other side, Wish.com she continues undeterred to offer goods that express support for Russia, such as a t-shirt with the Russian president with aviator sunglasses with the slogan “Putin My Leader”.


Still, the platform boasts a fairly detailed policy on “products that glorify or promote hatred of others”. But despite this, there are plenty of dictator support items that continue to be sold on Wish. As a tribute to the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Or the Vladimir Putin support t-shirts. Conversely, eBay appears to be quite strict on the issue: no celebratory items of the Russian President will be available for purchase on the platform after the invasion of Ukraine. In this, the e-commerce platform joins the others that have already chosen to support the Ukrainian people.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.