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Elden Ring: here’s what the maximum level is

About a month after the release of Elden Ring it was finally discovered what is the maximum level that our character can reach

The latest effort made by FromSoftware continues to be in the spotlight and you never stop discovering new things about the game. By now, many players have reached the end of the title, upgrading their character in the best possible way to get the final build they wanted so much. Many have always wondered if there is a limit to leveling their character and finally it was discovered that indeed exists. Indeed, in Elden Ring it was recently discovered what the maximum level is that our character can achieve.

The maximum level in Elden Ring is no longer a mystery!

Much to the surprise, the highest level that can be reached in Elden Ring is 713. Consider that to reach the level cap means carrying all the attributes, that is Stamina, Mind, Endurance, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith and Arcane up to 99, which are combined with the initial 79 attribute points when we create our protagonist (+1 point for the level of the chosen starting class). When you reach level 713, it will no longer be possible to upgrade any attributes, thus reaching the maximum available limit.

Elden Ring: here's what the maximum level is

Reaching the maximum level will lead you to have a truly devastating character, can use any weapon in the game and inflict a lot of damage to enemies. Surely to reach this goal you need to roll up your sleeves and have a lot of patience. Indeed just one run will not be enough to get there but you will have to do several to reach the level cap of the character. Get ready why many hours of gameplay will be required to achieve this goal. We remind you that Elden Ring is available from February 25, 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One e Xbox Series X | S.

What do you think of Elden Ring? Are you surprised by this discovery? Let us know in the comments and stay on our website for more updates on the world of video games, and don’t miss out on games at discounted prices on the Instant Gaming store.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.