Eolo con ANCI e ANFOV per digitalizzare i comuni italiani thumbnail

Eolo with ANCI and ANFOV to digitize Italian municipalities

Aeolus takes sides alongside ANCI and ANFOV to digitize all Italian municipalities, bringing broadband everywhere with FWA – Fixed Wireless Access technology. The company is therefore sponsor of the Next Generation Innovation and Development 2022 Award promoted by the two associations. A commitment in the name of innovation and digitization of the country.

Eolo together with ANCI and ANFOV for digitization

Overcoming the territorial digital divide is an important challenge. The quick connection to smart working and DDA allows you to communicate, allows you to take advantage of all types of services. Therefore territorial distinctions must be contained. Not only North-South but also between small and large centers of Italy.

This is undoubtedly the first goal of EOLO since its inception. Investing to give a concrete answer to the needs of digitization of the country and citizens. In whatever city they are.

Il ANCI Piemonte Innovation and Next Generation Development Award allows Aeolus to achieve objectives such as “green transition”, “digital transformation”, “social and territorial cohesion”.

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Alessandro Verrazzani, Head of Regulatory and Institutional Affairs di Eonly underlines this. “The full consistency of EOLO’s vision and mission with the aims of the Award and the evaluation criteria identified for the awards convinced us to actively contribute to the ANCI and ANFoV initiative”.

Something that is part of the history of the company. “For over 15 years we have guaranteed, even in the most remote areas of Italy, access to the quality network, in support of economic and technological development, sustainable and inclusive for the enhancement of the territories and the numerous small towns that make up the our country. In fact, EOLO’s Fixed Wireless Access technology is proving to be the most suitable solution for offering quality connections in rural areas with low population density that will not be reached by fiber, even following the infrastructural interventions of the PNRR. “.

In addition to helping citizens immediately, these iInvestments look to the future. To smart cities, to the connection of logistic and health centers. Agriculture 4.0, the activation of networks in villages, peri-urban, rural and mountain areas. Also favoring industry and local tourism.

Eolo thinks that the Piemonte Innovation Award can improve the life of administrations, citizens and businesses.

Find more information on the website of Eolo, a benefit company.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.