Fuga da Twitter, ecco le alternative migliori thumbnail

Escape from Twitter, here are the best alternatives

After the announcement of the purchase of Twitter from Elon Musk for $ 44 billion, several users have started looking for alternatives. And although there is no platform exactly equal to Twitterthere are several other social networks that ‘fugitives’ can try.

Twitter alternatives for those on the run after buying Musk

Some do so out of fear that the “absolutist of free speech“Make them fear abuse by users or for fear of not being able to criticize Musk, Tesla and Twitter itself. Others don’t want to contribute to a social property of one person. Someone just wants to try a new form of expression.

There are many possible reasons for leaving Twitter. We don’t care whether they are sufficient or well thought out: but many are looking elsewhere for a social that meets their needs. If you too are among them, know that no platform will have the same recipe as Twitter. Some social networks will have different mechanisms, others will work in a similar way despite having one pay different (and usually reduced).

The advice therefore is to try before deleting your Twitter account. Even if it were a matter of principle, be aware that it will still take months before the acquisition is final.

Mastodon, one of the open-source alternatives to Twitter

decentralized social mastodon twitter min

After Elon Musk’s announcement of Twitter acquisition, at least 30 thousand people have registered an account on Mastodon, according to the founder Eugene Rochko. Perhaps this is also due to the launch of the Android app last week. But the idea of ​​a Decentralized Twitter e opensource was successful after the announcement of the acquisition.

On Mastodon you can join one or more Servers representing different communities. But in this social no algorithm it offers you the elements it thinks may interest you. In fact it shows the posts in order chronologicalleaving you the freedom of choice.

Mastodon has a Twitter-like layout, you can use the hashtag to follow the topics (although the smaller size of the platform means that the contents are more rare). Moderation is all in the hands of the community. A growing social networks (perhaps not the right place for marketing), but it deserves a test: here the site.

Reddit, among the alternatives for those who inquire with Twitter

reddit comments

Twitter has long since taken on the role of a journalist source for many users: finding alternatives is not easy. On the social network purchased from Elon Musk not only there are newspapers from all over the world, but also those who make the news: politicians, activists, celebrities. All.

Reddit doesn’t have the same pool of authoritative sources, but if you’re willing to search and arm yourself with the right critical sense, it offers information on any topic. Let’s not exaggerate: there are subreddit for any temto interest you, with user-generated content. But if you know how to search, you can discuss history with university professors and TV series with the writers who wrote them. If you’re not careful you can end up in a whirlwind of instead fake newsbut we do not feel like excluding this possibility for any social network, unfortunately.

Con over 450 million of active users, there are no topics discovered: impossible not to find what interests you.

Discord, to huddle around your server

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If once many considered Discord as the place to discuss games while streaming on Twitch, this social network has much greater potential. And not only related to the world of gaming.

You can create servers to discuss any topic. Or make one for your charity, for your neighborhood, for playing football on the weekend. Very reminiscent of an advanced version ofthe forums of the early 2000s, where on the bulletin board you can post your opinions and perhaps discuss them in private chats. But there are also audio and video calls pto talk about it verbally.

You can also integrate yours profili Steam, Xbox e PlayStation to play alongside other members of your server. An effective way to make communities online.

Lots of possibilities

In addition to these social networks, there are dozens of others to try. From giants like Facebook, Instagram e TikTok, which although different conceptually allow us to communicate to a truly huge audience. If, on the other hand, you are not interested in numbers but in the possibility of expressing yourself, there are realities such as It for those who make digital art or Minds for a blockchain-based alternative.

But we must be honest: many of these social networks they have the same problems that may have made you leave Twitter (excluding Elon Musk). And the same possibility: create a community based on common interests online. Everyone has their own recipe for what this means – it’s worth experimenting to find the one that’s right for you.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.