Facebook e Instagram rimuovono i post che offrono pillole abortive thumbnail

Facebook and Instagram remove posts offering abortion pills

Facebook and Instagram remove posts offering abortion pills thumbnail

There is great chaos after the Supreme Court decision overturning the Roe ruling. For their part, for example, Facebook and Instagram they began to promptly remove i posts they offered abortion pills to women residing in states where the abortion ban went into effect last Friday. After the choice to abolish the constitutional right to abortion, in fact, social platforms have been filled with posts of this kind. Indeed, some users have offered to mail prescriptions to women living in states that now ban the procedure. A delicate situation, which Meta tried to control as best he could.

Abortion pills: Facebook and Instagram remove posts offering them to US users

As soon as the Supreme Court ruling on the right to abortion became official, Facebook and Instagram found themselves flooded with posts that dealt with the issue in a varied way. According to an analysis by media intelligence firm Zignal Labs, the general mentions of abortion pills – and their specific versions such as the mifepristone and the misoprostolo – suddenly increased on Twitter, Reddit and Facebook. Within a couple of days, the total mentions were circa 250000. “DM me if you want to order abortion pills, but you want them to be sent to my address instead of yours”, so she reads in an Instagram post. A content deleted a few hours after publication.

In response, Facebook has put the account in an “alert” state. The reason? Apparently the terminology “abortion pills” is not allowed on social platforms, especially after the ruling of the Supreme Court. Meta’s spokesperson Andy StoneIn fact, he confirmed that the company will not allow people to give away or sell pharmaceuticals on its platform, but will accept content that shares information on how to access the pills. However, there is a very different question to address, beyond social networks. Attorney General Merrick Garland said states should not ban mifepristone, the drug used to induce abortion. Yet it seems that somewhere this is already happening.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.