Facebook e Messenger torneranno a essere un’app unica thumbnail

Facebook and Messenger will once again be a single app

Unbelievable but true: Meta has finally understood that dividing Facebook and Messenger into two apps doesn’t make much sense, and is finally preparing the return to the single application. This was announced by the company itself, which wrote in a post on its official blog:

“We’re testing the ability for people to access their Messenger messages within the Facebook app”

Facebook and Messenger combined in one app (again)

The social platform and its messaging functionality were already part of a single app. Or at least they were until 2014. Until that year, the Facebook app included a section for sending and receiving messages, a bit like a browser or the Instagram app. In 2014, the controversial split took placepoorly tolerated by users, who thus had to install two separate apps on their smartphones: Facebook for social, and Messenger for messages.

A decidedly uncomfortable dynamic, also because in 2014 the storage capacities of smartphones were certainly not as large as today, with the two apps occupying considerable space on the narrow sofa of mobile devices of the time. For years to the question: “I have a smartphone full, what do I do?” the answer was: “well, uninstall Messenger”.

Facebook Messenger

Today, after 10 years, Meta is finally going back to its origins, (re) bringing Facebook back to the traditional social networks. In fact, both the main competitors (TikTok and Snapchat) and the little sister of the house (Instagram) have never separated the two functions, keeping them integrated in the same app.

At the moment it is not clear when the two applications will be mergedbut we hope it happens soon.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.