Facebook riorganizza il News Feed: ordine cronologico per i post thumbnail

Facebook renews the News Feed with content in chronological order

Facebook rearranges the News Feed: chronological order for thumbnail posts

Facebook continues to innovate in an attempt to stop the decline in users registered by the social network and among the upcoming news there is also one change to the News Feed. The social network, in fact, will display the contents of friends, groups and pages followed by users in chronological order. According to what Mark Zuckerberg revealed, this is a highly requested feature by users.

Facebook provides users with a News Feed with posts in chronological order

Facebook’s new News Feed will be split into two parts. A first part, called Home, will include Reels, Store and various custom content. This will be joined by the section Feed which will contain the contents of friends, groups and pages followed which can be consulted in chronological order.

The news for the social network will arrive over the next few days, for both Android and iOS apps. The new mechanism is part of a broader Facebook renewal project. The social network points to update its contents and offer users new options to use its services. The new Facebook News Feed is therefore part of this perspective.

In the future, Facebook is expected to present further innovations to further enrich its applications and possibilities for users. The goal is clear. The social network aims to overcome the competition from TikTok which continues to grow and attract new users.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.