Facebook: il nuovo smartwatch della compagnia avrà una tacca sul display thumbnail

Facebook: The company’s new smartwatch will have a notch on the display

In the first image, which emerged through a leak, of the Facebook smartwatch, it is clearly seen that the device will have one in its design notch on the display, along with what appears to be one front camera, clearly visible even when the clock is off. According to Bloomberg this image could be a prototype, far from the finished product design.

Facebook: Will the company’s smartwatch have a notch on the display?

If the one that emerged in the past few hours is the same device we talked about last June, there should also be a second removable camera. The front camera can be used for video calling and has 1080p resolution, plus it should implement various health, fitness and messaging related functions. Although there is no release date yet this smartwatch is expected to arrive in 2022.

The smartwatch market is currently dominated by Google, Garmin, Samsung and Apple. So, to stand out from the competition, Facebook’s offer sees as a distinctive element that of trying to mimic a smartphone more closely. Emphasizing the rivalry, the CEO Mark Zuckerberg launched several hits to what he called “closed platforms”, possibly referring to Android and iOS, during Thursday’s Connect keynote.

Facebook smartwatch

Earlier this week, in its earnings report, Facebook also partially blamed Apple’s ad-tracking capabilities for the company’s recent drop in revenue. Today Facebook renamed its parent company Meta, but a 2014 MetaWatch already exists. With any luck, this will lead to weird brand and intellectual property lawsuits, as is often the case in these cases.

Not exactly what the company would need right now, given the investigations it is going through following the release of some internal documents.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.