Per Bill Gates il metaverso non è questa grande novità, ma l’IA si thumbnail

For Bill Gates the metaverse is not this big news, but the AI ​​is

For Bill Gates the metaverse is not this big news, but the AI ​​is thumbnail

During a recent interview Bill Gates addressed several topics, including the metaverse, the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and his friendship history with Bono Vox. The Microsoft founder said that, according to him, the metaverse is not a revolutionary concept at all. For Gates, the real revolution seems to lie in machine learning technologies that make use of AI.

Bill Gates: between metaverse, U2 and climate change

During a Q&A session on Reddit, Bill Gates was able to answer questions from fans on numerous topics. Several times during the session he reiterated his fascination for AI, above all when asked what was the great digital revolution of today, the one that had been the internet for the previous era. His answer was:

“Artificial intelligence is the great revolution. I don’t think Web3 or all of that metaverse stuff is revolutionary, but AI definitely is.”

Other questions concerned the theme of climate change, which has always been dear to Bill Gates. During the session, he was also asked less demanding and technical questions. For example, to the question “What is your favorite band?” Gates responded with the U2claiming to be a longtime friend of Bono Vox, frontman of the Irish group.

Finally, Gates said that programming and coding remain his great passion. “Yup. I still really enjoy programming,” Gates replied. “However, the last time any of my code ended up in a Microsoft product was 1985, so that was a long time ago.”

  • Mark Brunasso

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.