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Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

“And the gendarmes came, with plumes and weapons”: let’s discover the best (and not) of Fortnite in the eagerly awaited Season 1 of Chapter 5

Now that Fortnite: Chapter 5 is here, we’ve outlined the general news and crucial information about the map, but for the Season 1 remains to be understood what the best weapons are. Their management, as well as almost every facet of the general gameplay, has become a bit more complicated. Bringing out the best of the best from the sea of ​​junk that a new season offers us is never easy, but we thought it best to list them for you in what we assume would be a descending order of reasonable quality. From best to worstin short, unless you are an aggressive game ace with a common gun and without the slightest shred of shield. In that case, so much for the Crown of Victory.

General preamble | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

On paper, from best to worst, the weapons in Fortnite: Chapter 5 are more or less the same with some differences in names, but Season 1 introduced the concept of customization. Sorry, we mean in-game customization. THE benches mod available in vault they dramatically extend the number of facets your arsenal contains. It goes without saying, of course, that You must first set foot in a vault. It may seem complicated at first, but once you learn the names for the weapons it becomes much easier. That said, the basic weapons remain what they are: differentiated from each other by bullets used and by use in battles, even before modifying them. Start from here. Of course, expect this guide to age like milk upon first update…

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Ballistic Shield | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Let’s start strong with the tastiest weapon. If, like the writer, you often have problems singing the praises of the good old gun in your group, the best variant ever has arrived to clear a weapon that has been too much abused. Inspired by the “aim equals parry” concept of Star Wars Lightsabers when they appear in the game, the Ballistic Shield it allows you to constantly defend yourself from attacks… as if it were a small wall, which you can however push around. If you find one, take it: you won’t be able to abuse its resistance, since too many hits in rapid succession will knock you backwardsbut being indestructible it will be of enormous help to you. Long live the guns, dammit!

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Hammer Shotgun | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

But let’s say you like to stick to heavy rifles instead. Your call will be answered by the Hammer shotgun. Predictably, at launch this is mostly the best way to secure a victory in Fortnite. If you want to play the old fashioned way, this is your go-to weapon. Obviously nothing stops you (boss guarding the vaults allowing) to apply a crosshair and transform the game into DOOM, if the metaphor is not out of place. That the metagame has been overturned by the new physics of player movement, then, is another matter entirely…

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Reaper Sniper Rifle | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Perhaps the best addition of the season is the Reaper Sniper Rifle. We are talking about a weapon capable of knocking out enemies in one shot, even in Zero Construction mode. Then add the mods and you will find yourself with the most fearsome weapon on this list. Most importantly, among sniper rifles this avoids one of the most common drawbacks: the need to reload. You will therefore have more attempts available, before taking your eye away from the viewfinder during the long charging phase. However, expect an unceremonious nerf later in the season for this very reason. How do we know this, you ask? We’ve been playing Fortnite a lot longer than we care to admit…

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Grapple Blade | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

We could go around it all we want, but what guarantees mobility this season is above all the Grapple Blade. Similar to the Grapple Glove, Spider-Man’s Web Launcher and the ODM Equipment from Attack on Titan, this grappling hook allows you to move around the map and almost rivals the train. (Which is always the train.) There is also the option to use it as an actual weapon, but Mobility is definitely its strong point. Make use of it for this reason, therefore, and avoid wasting time: it already takes enough to acclimatise to the new physics!

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Nemesis Assault Rifle | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Okay, the Nemesis Assault Rifle it could be a bit more controversial over the course of the season. It is not the usual Assault Rifle which, remember, made its return only and only in the OG season after months and months of absence from the scene. Furthermore, it is also more complicated to use. Of course, by taking advantage of the mods you could also make good use of them. If you can handle more complex shootings or adapt to bullet trajectories it still does the job, but otherwise it will take a lot of getting used to. It rivals some of the best assault rifles in the game when modded properly. Emphasis on “duly”.

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Assault Rifle Striker | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

The snack companion of the weapon above, the Striker Assault Rifle, is more traditional than Nemesi in terms of “tier list” (we are theoretically going in descending order, but take it with a pinch of salt). The Striker functions more similarly to “old” assault rifles, while remaining less effective than precision weapons. Or at least, that’s the way things are without counting the mods. It’s strange having to fine-tune a weapon to have the right “feel” on the mod bench for five minutes, but with the proper fine-tuning you’ll have a trusted friend who will keep you company until the last ten players remaining.

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Thunder burst machine gun | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Between the two automatic weapons, the Thunder burst machine gun tends to be the best. Things are looking good for SMG fans. Naturally, in a close combat with an opponent equipped with a shotgun (and the necessary aim; yes, it is useful in these situations too!) he will be the one to have the upper hand. However (again) by modifying it properly this machine gun can become something crazy. The elimination power easily reaches stratospheric heights. Not to mention the fact that it is the weapon that does the most justice to cover, but that’s another story…

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Ranger Pistol | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Do you not have a Ballistic Shield? No problem, the seasonal primary weapon does just fine anyway. There Pistola Ranger it’s stronger than you think, even without any changes whatsoever. The fact that it fires automatically makes it very effective and prevents it from ending up at the bottom of our “ranking” (as always, quotation marks obligatory). If you enhance it with enough aggressive play, it can even stand up to assault rifles and submachine guns. But precisely, we specified “without” because “with” mods can give enormous satisfaction. We recommend, if possible, alternating it with the Ballistic Shield: the surprise effect never hurts, trust me!

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Frenzy Automatic Shotgun | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

And here we descend into the realm of “not exactly the best” weapons, although we were very, very torn on the placement of the Frenzy Automatic Shotgun. If you prefer continuous fire, of course, you can always swap this weapon with the Hammer Shotgun that we talked about almost at the beginning. However, don’t expect the prowess of the good old heavy drum rifle: it is a weapon that is both fast and suitable for beginners who do not intend to take risks. That’s not a good thing: Fortnite itself is all about the risks and rewards that await those who take them.

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Hyper Submachine Gun | Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Contrary to what you might think from the name, you can’t find it at the discount store. Jokes… obvious aside, the Hyper Submachine Gun gains greater utility over the long haul… and that’s it. For the rest, the damage output is decidedly less generous than the Thunder burst machine gun. If you want a “poor man’s assault rifle” as a medium-long range alternative, go ahead. If not… we’ve already talked several times about the possibility of modifying weapons, right? Good, because the other machine gun can make up for its “deficiencies” with a simple tweak to the vault. As long as the bosses let us in, which frankly, at least with the Hyper, we doubt.

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Sticky cluster grenade

At the bottom of the list of the (no longer) best weapons, as has more or less always been the case in the history of Fortnite even before Chapter 5, we have a grenade representing the worst of Season 1. What about the Sticky cluster grenade? Which is a grenade, and which rhymes with “desperate”, like the situation you will find yourself in if you are forced to use a weapon capable of harm you too. She can still do the job, especially if you manage to pin her on Anonymous’s snout[280] on duty. But other than area of ​​effect, it doesn’t have many uses. So avoid it completely, unless you are particularly good with a weapon that disappears in the absence of ammunition, more dangerous for you than for others and which, obviously, is not subject to change.

Fortnite: Chapter 5, the best weapons of Season 1

Now it’s up to you to tell us your opinion: have we helped you understand something? Let us know below, and as always don’t forget to stay on for all the most important news for gamers and beyond. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Instant Gaming.