Fran, l'AI che ha ringiovanito Harrison Ford per Indiana Jones 5 thumbnail

Fran, the AI ​​who rejuvenated Harrison Ford for Indiana Jones 5

The actor Harrison Ford will be 81 soonbut his next Indiana Jones movie will look like he’s 35. Only for a while, though. In the first 25 minutes of the film, the artificial intelligence Fran has rejuvenated Harrison Ford for Indiana Jones 5.

Fran, the AI ​​rejuvenating Harrison Ford for Indiana Jones 5

Unlike what was seen in The Last Crusade, there will not be another actor to play the young Indiana Jones. He was the late one at the time River Phoenix to transform into Indiana Jones: this time it will be Harrison Ford himself, aided by artificial intelligence.

We have already seen how Hollywood now knows how to change the age of the faces of actors and actresses with the use of AI. A recent example was that of The Irishman, the film by Martin Scorsese with Al Pacino, Joe Pesci and Robert DeNiro which used artificial intelligence instead of traditional effects (makeup, camera position) and computer graphics. But managed by human professionals.

harrison ford min

Disney has created an artificial intelligence called Fran (acronym of Face re-aging networkaka Face Redating Network) to rejuvenate Harrison Ford’s face in the new Indiana Jones movie.

Disney presented it at the end of 2022, demonstrating that the biggest studios need these technologies and want to have them at home, for reasons of savings and optimization. Furthermore, unlike other solutions, Fran is not based on the faces of real peopletaken from the Internet and social networks

This is a plus both for privacy and for the quality of the result: in fact, to achieve the desired rejuvenation. Then, Fran’s developers randomly generated thousands of non-existent people’s faces, to teach machine learning how to age or rejuvenate them, training Fran. The result? We will see it in the cinema from June 28 with the new Indiana Jones 5.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.