Gioin 2021: l’healthtech tra sostenibilità, prevenzione e innovazione thumbnail

Gioin 2021: healthtech between sustainability, prevention and innovation

On Thursday 28 October, from 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm, an important event dedicated to healthtech, the technological innovation applied to the healthcare sector, was held in streaming.

Gioin Healthtech, this is the name of the event, was organized by Digital Magics in collaboration with Gruppo 24 ORE.

The interventions of representatives of Blue Assistance, Deloitte, Intesa San Paolo Vita, Modis followed. And six startups that are contributing to innovation in the healthtech field. That is ARTINESS, BionIT Labs, D-Heart, DMV, EpiCura, SynDiag.

Gioin 2021

Launched in 2016, Gioin (Gasperini Italian Open Innovation Network) proposes a series of initiatives that provide tools, support and suggestions to face the new paradigm changes and bring Italian companies closer to the ecosystem of talents and innovative startups.

The startups present at Gioin 2021

In the context of healthtech, which is constantly evolving, startups play a leading role. This is thanks to a series of innovations that allow the technology to be applied to different areas, from prevention to rehabilitation, from surgery to home care.


Cardiovascular diseases and prostheses

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Italy. The need for remote examination tools is high both in developed countries, in order not to saturate the capacities of hospitals, and in developing countries where there is a low doctor / patient ratio. D-Heart has developed a hospital-grade portable electrocardiograph that can be used independently by anyone thanks to its ease of use. And which has a patented image processing tool for correct electrode placement, and data transmission software that allows physicians and care facilities to instantly report ECGs remotely.

Technology is also revolutionizing the world of prosthetics. Yet more than half of people who have had an upper limb amputated do not use it, due to problems such as the high cost, difficulty of use or the inconvenience of existing solutions. BionIT Labs wants to change this reality, proposing a prosthesis that automatically adapts to the shape and size of the objects grasped..

New ways of accessing care

New ways of accessing and providing care will be central to the healthcare system of the future. That’s what they’re working on the startups DMV and EpiCura, active in offering diagnostic and assistance services at home. In addition to engaging in new precision therapies and new tools for diagnosis and treatment.

Startup SynDiag, for example, develops artificial intelligence-based solutions for objective, quantitative and predictive ultrasound. It is a revolution for the gynecological field, in which ultrasound (essential for diagnosis) is simple, not dangerous and has an effective cost, but the correct interpretation depends on the operator who performs it.

The sixth startup, ARTINESS, aims to put the enormous potential of mixed reality at the service of the medical world, providing physicians and surgeons with an effective, reliable and intuitive 3D holographic platform to improve clinical outcomes.


Important changes are underway in the health sector which see on the one hand the transition from the concept of health care to a broader one of health and on the other hand an increasing role of new technologies.

New tools and solutions for diagnosis, therapy and treatment are put on the market. And we are working on a model that puts the patient more and more at the center. And that is able to provide more and more personalized therapies based on individual needs.

From an economic point of view, Deloitte estimates that the prevention and early diagnostics sector will be worth 30 billion euros by 2025. While that of network infrastructures, products and services for virtual health will reach 25 billion. To which are added the platforms and analysis engines for a value of 85 billion.

Digital Magics

Digital Magics SpA, is a business incubator that supports startups in the digital and tech world with services for the enhancement and acceleration of the business.

Alberto Fioravanti, President of Digital Magics, said: “The pandemic that has hit us in the last year and a half, in the most acute phase, which we hope will be behind us, has highlighted both the strengths and the fragility of health systems. . But above all, he stressed the importance of taking care of people and being prepared to face any crisis, on pain of repercussions on all fronts, from the economy, to education, from health to work, to the environment.

It is important to pool everyone’s skills to ensure the well-being of citizens and the future of society. In Digital Magics we are strongly convinced that Open Innovation can play a strategic as well as important role in this sense, focusing on the application of concrete technologies, with a view to digital transformation “.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.