Girls CodeUp, il progetto di Codemotion e AXA Italia che forma le future professioniste STEAM thumbnail

Girls CodeUp, the Codemotion and AXA Italia project that trains future STEAM professionals

Codemotionthe go-to platform for developer career growth and for companies looking for the best IT talent, launches Girls CodeUp. It is a educational project which will start between the end of November and January 2023 in the schools of various Italian cities.

The project, in collaboration with the AXA Italy insurance groupwants to reduce the gender gap in the technology sector, training the future professionals of the world Tech&Data and of the subjects STEAM. He also wants to raise awareness among the new generations about iimportance of the Healthcare sector and on potential of coding and of data culture in the sphere of health.

Girls CodeUp, the Codemotion and AXA Italia project that trains future STEAM professionals

Chiara Russo CEO and Co Founder of Codemotion 1

The goal of the project is to involve a total of over 200 female students enrolled in the three-year period of secondary schools, who will access a total of more than 250 hours of programming training and orientation software, 3D animation e innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Metaverse.

Guided by industry experts, the students will learn the base del coding and they will realize software, applications, 3D environments in the Metaverse e new ideas e services on issues of health, well-being and prevention through the conscious use of data and technologies.

The challenge that the students will have to overcome through their own projects will be to answer the question “What is health for you?”, the same question at the center of the recent AXA Italia advertising campaign who gives voice to individual needs and personal experience on the subject of Health, using their creativity and the tools learned along the way to create something original and useful.

Clare RussoCEO and Co-Founder of Codemotion, said:

“In Europe, only 18% of ICT professions are carried out by women and in Italy the percentage drops to 14.8%*. There is still a strong gender gap in the technological field and in Codemotion we are committed to reducing these gender differences by creating introductory courses to digital technologies for younger girls in order to train a new generation of passionate programmers and future STEAM professionals. The Girls CodeUp project offers high school students a first opportunity to try their hand at coding and new technologies and gain awareness of the professional opportunities that the sector offers”.

The project Girls CodeUp from Codemotion adheres to the Manifesto of the Digital Republic, the national strategic initiative which aims to reduce the digital divide and promote education on future technologies, supporting the country’s development process.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.