Un'intelligenza artificiale non può brevettare le sue invenzioni, lo decide un giudice degli USA thumbnail

Google in Davos explains what artificial intelligence is for

On the occasion of World Economic Forum in Davos, Google wanted to explain his vision of artificial intelligence and how to use it to help people in a concrete way. With a blog post from the CEO Sundar Pichaithe company has listed seven concrete challenges that AI allows you to overcome.

In Davos, Google illustrates its vision of artificial intelligence

On its blog, Google explains that artificial intelligence has the transformative power to help, assist and inspire people to do more. In any sphere of human activity. But at the same time he knows that such a new and revolutionary technology can create perplexity and even fear.

That’s why he keeps us at developing AI responsibly, proposing actively in the search for standards of use and transparency. But it also wants to highlight areas where artificial intelligence already helps people concretely.

google artificial intelligence davos min

One of them is the development of templates for prevent floods, to then alert the population at risk in time. The FloodHub has detailed flood maps to show people how to get around. Also detect fire boundaries it is something possible directly from Search and Maps: after the USA and Canada, Google is expanding the project to Mexico and some areas of Australia.

Google explains to us that with AI, a more precise monitoring of prenatal health: something necessary and urgent, given that in 2017 295,000 women died during or immediately after pregnancy and childbirth.

Interesting agricultural use, to prevent parasitic infestations of food crops and cotton. But in addition to the vegetation, AI analyzes satellite images to evaluate population changes with the Open Buildings project, which is also very useful for planning humanitarian responses.

Finally, AI can make it possible to detect the genetic variations that cause disease (for example, helping to identify people at risk for breast cancer or hypertension). And with the app Project RelateAI helps people who have communication problems: text transcription, synthetic voice or even just interactions with the Google Assistant.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.