Google, arriva lo scrolling infinito per le ricerche thumbnail

Google, infinite scrolling for searches arrives

Google launches a new update for the mobile search function, introducing the infinite scrolling. No second page of results: after seeing the first ten links, you can continue scrolling through the following entries. As it happens for the feed from Instagram and other social networks.

Google introduces infinite scrolling in mobile searches

The news comes due to a precise decision by Google, which justifies this decision in its post on the official blog. Not all questions have immediate answers. And the search giant has noticed, data in hand, that many users arrive up to the fourth page of results when they are looking for something specific.

In fact, scrolling isn’t quite infinite on Google: the search automatically loads 40 results, then the first four pages of results. After these, just click on “show more” to continue browsing. Google will show gods sponsored results every ten ads, as he did with the page change. The new feature for the moment arrives in the United States and for English-language results, both on the Google Search app and on the website.


The infinite scrolling feature was invented for social media by Don’t be Raskin, which in the meantime has come to regret the software tool it created. In fact, this function guarantees more time spent on the app, as there is no limit (however faint) to scrolling on social networks. Having to click on “Show more” convinced many users to tell yourself to stop, which doesn’t happen as easily with infinite scrolling.

Impossible not to see even in the choice of Google the interest in showing four times the number of sponsored resultsi, making it easier to scroll through the results after the tenth. Although anyone (from corporate sites to news) is in 11th place will be happy with no longer having to end up on the second page.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.