Google investe un miliardo di dollari per la connettività in Africa thumbnail

Google invests $ 1 billion for connectivity in Africa

Google announced a very important investment for theAfrica: over the next five years it will support the connectivity of the African continent for a total of one billion dollars.

Google: one billion for connectivity in Africa

The African continent has enormous untapped economic potential with its own one billion and three hundred million citizens, with nearly half of the population under 18. Among the structural problems on the continent is a poor reliability of the internet connection. Only less than a third of Africa has a broadband connection. Google aims to change all of this.

At the event dedicated to the continent, the CEO of Google and Alphabet Sundar Pichai he clearly stated that, despite the “enormous progress” seen in recent years, there is still a long way to go to have an “accessible, affordable and useful internet for every African”.

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The investments in digital transformation conceived by Google touch different fields for the African continent. But they start with better connectivity and easier access for all users on the continent. The funds will then be directed towards transcontinental connection infrastructures and within the territory. But not only.

Among the investments, the Equiano submarine cable, which it will connect, is fundamental South Africa, Namibia, Nigeria e the island of Sant’Elena with Europe. An ocean connection that allows for a higher quality connection.

But in addition to technology and infrastructure, training counts. Four years ago, Google signed an agreement to improve the digital skills of around 10 million people and small local businesses.

In addition to this, Google has announced a partnership with Safaricom for the launch of smartphone Android particularly cheap, to promote the adoption of smart phones also on the African continent. But this deal is just a launch. Soon there will be agreements with Airtel, Mtn, Orange e Vodacom.

With a strategy that goes from infrastructure to devices and goes from training, Google aims to invest a billion dollars in Africa. With the will to serve as a driving force for the continent’s economic growth.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.