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Google Maps will show all the necessary indications on the Dynamic Island of the iPhones

News coming from Google: you will be able to see the updates of Maps directions directly on Dynamic Island of iPhones.

Google Maps directions on Dynamic Island

Google has just announced an important news. The indications of Maps will be visible directly on the Dynamic Island of the iPhone 14 Pro e iPhone 14 Pro Max. This feature will allow users to receive real-time directions for driving, biking, walking, transit, and other forms of navigation through Google Maps, without having to unlock their iPhone and open the app.

Introduced with the new iOS 16 update, notifications of any type of event appear directly on the Dynamic Island, providing information at a glance at the top of the screen. The same goes for Google Maps which indicates the directions to take, whatever means you decide to take, including walking.

Dynamic Island

Dynamic Island, what is it

With the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max, Apple has launched the Dynamic Island, a new software solution that takes the place of the notch. Apple has implemented several functions, turning it into a real adaptive notification panel.

You can interact with some types of content, for example click on it to switch to an app that has background activity or, in the case of NowPlaying, ie while playing media, you can also long press the island to bring up the playback controls.

With the Dynamic Island you can view multiple background tasks at the same time. An example is the timer that is counting down and when listening to music.

In this way, the Island is divided into alarger pill-shaped area it’s a’smaller circular area, so you can see and interact with both activities. These functions can be divided into two categories: display of alerts or notifications e background task management.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.