Google rimuove Russia Today dai risultati di ricerca in UE thumbnail

Google removes Russia Today from EU search results

Google removes Russia Today from search results in EU thumbnail

To counter Russian propaganda, the EU asked Google to remove the Russia Today portal from its search results. According to the European Commission, the news agency supported by the Russian government could represent a tool to support the spread of fake news about the war in Ukraine. Here is what was revealed today.

Google needs to remove Russia Today from EU search results

One document appeared online confirm the EU position. Indeed, this document reads: “Internet search service providers must ensure that i) any link to RT and Sputnik’s Internet sites and ii) any RT and Sputnik content, including short text descriptions, visual elements and links to corresponding websites do not appear in the search results provided to users located in the EU ”. At the moment, Russia Today (reachable at is still included in the Google search engine if the search is carried out outside the borders of the EU.

A total block also on social networks

Google, owner of YouTube, as well as the social platforms of Facebook, Twitter and TikTok have blocked accounts linked to Russian propaganda such as those of Russia Today and of Sputnik. In this way, the dissemination of false information, on the advice of the Russian government, will be stopped in the bud. Russia’s isolation project continues. The country was quickly ousted from Western digital services and propaganda attempts will continue to be thwarted by blocking access to the social and information channels most used in the West.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.