Google: attiva la richiesta per rimuovere i propri dati sensibili dalle ricerche thumbnail

Google: You can remove your sensitive data from searches

Google: activate the request to remove your sensitive data from thumbnail searches

For years Google receives requests to remove their own sensitive data from search results, including details of bank accounts or credit card numbers that could be used for financial fraud. Given the growing demand from users of remove your personal information from the InternetYou will now be able to send a request to Google to remove your phone number, email account or home address from searches.

Google: You can remove your sensitive data from searches

Google will evaluate removal requests to ensure that their disappearance from the web does not limit the availability of useful information. It will also not remove contact information that is part of the public register on government websites or official sources.

“Having personal contact information online can be annoying and can be used in harmful ways, including for unwanted direct contact or even physical harm. And people have given us feedback that in some cases they would like the ability to remove this type of information from search results, ”Google wrote in its blog post.

It is important to point out in this context that removing contact information from Google Search is not the ultimate solution to making it disappear from the internet altogether though. This information will still be accessible through other less used search engines, which have not activated an option of this type for their users.

To initiate a request to remove your personal information from Google just follow this link and fill in all the fields provided by the search engine anyway. The company has already explained that it typically processes requests within a few days.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.