GoStudent VR arriva in Italia, primo test con H-Farm International School thumbnail

GoStudent VR arriva in Italia, primo test con H-Farm International School

GoStudent has officially launched its most recent project in Italy, GoStudent VRcombining education and technology in a single innovative platform. This new approach delivers group language learning experiences through the virtual reality led by tutors. And thus allows students to immerse themselves in real-life contexts for improve the mastery of foreign languages.

GoStudent VR arrives in Italy, to learn in virtual reality

With GoStudent VR students have the flexibility to participate via VR or desktop viewers, while tutors can interact from their desktop PCs. This makes the experience more immersive for students, and easier for tutors.

The GoStudent project has chosen as the first test in Italia collaboration with H-FARM International Schoola school with IB (International Baccalaureate) certification and Apple distinguished School, known for its commitment environmental. H-FARM has expanded its range of action in theinvestment nell’Educationincluding school and university education.

gostudent vr education platform min

The students have already had the chance to try the devices for approximately two weekshey results they were amazing. A student from H-FARM International School who participated in the English lessons highlighted the effectiveness and involvement of the learning experience in an immersive environment.

Also tutor they expressed their enthusiasm about this new one educational platformnoting the value not only in language learning, but also inincrease in trust and in the joy of learning that manifests itself in such an environment interactive.

Learning languages ​​in VR

GoStudent VR is aimed at students from 13 to 18 years old in Italy and offers the opportunity to learn English e Spanish as part of the curriculum. Anyone who wants to use GoStudent VR can sign up at any time and purchase a lesson package in addition to your existing membership. The lessons, lasting approximately 50 minutes, offer a learning path personalized e engagingwith virtual classes of one to seven students.

This innovative educational proposal is the result of collaboration with Immersean award-winning VR training platform, and the support of Metawhich donated the Meta Quest 2 VR headsets. Those interested can learn more at GoStudent VR by visiting the website https://hi.gostudent.org/it/gostudentvr/.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.