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Grand Theft Auto 6: Australian rating emerges, announcement soon?

The highly anticipated announcement of Grand Theft Auto 6 could be almost around the corner: a rating gives us apparent confirmation from the southern hemisphere

From the Australian classification site for the minimum age of video games has arrived, like a bolt from the blue, what appears to be the rating for a title that has become a myth in recent years: Grand Theft Auto 6. The game, whose rating has apparently been in site limbo since April 2nd (an ironic coincidence), is currently slated for a nice label MA15+. These are “adult audiences” (Mature Audience) aged fifteen and over, for what have been declared to be “strong” sex and drug scenes. It just so happens that GTA V and its companion Online have been through more trouble in the land Down Under. This is due precisely to the psychotropic substances illustrated in the game (on which the rating system had a strong impact).

With the rating at the announcement I certainly won’t give up: how imminent can Grand Theft Auto 6 be?

We don’t even know how legitimate the presence of Grand Theft Auto 6 on the site is, as it is equally possible that it is a simple typo. But regardless of the possibility of having a temporary placeholder in front of you, it is plausible that Rockstar Games is close to the long-awaited announcement of the game. With i Game Awards now not too far away, a nice trailer would be perfectly in line with the window period expected for day one, i.e. before next April. As for leak occurred in the past months, we have an update. The person responsible for the leak was declared psychiatrically unfit for trial.

Now it’s up to you to tell us your opinion: when do you expect this blessed reveal? Let us know below, and as always don’t forget to stay on for all the most important news for gamers and beyond. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Instant Gaming.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.