Halo Infinite: Two consecutive multiplayer tests will take place in the coming days

The official release of Halo Infinite is approaching inexorably: in the meantime, as confirmed by the latest Inside Infinite, two multiplayer tests have been confirmed for the next few days, which will take place consecutively. Let’s see the details together below!

The official release of Halo Infinite is getting closer and closer, putting fans of the saga in a state of hype always greater. As a result, the news regarding the new 343 Industries title has been different, starting with its presence at Gamescom 2021, which took place last August. In addition to all this information, it has arrived, thanks to the last Inside Infinite (the monthly appointment with all the updates on Halo Infinite on the official website), a welcome news: in the coming days they will take place well two consecutive multiplayer tests open to the public. Let’s see below the details and who exactly can participate.

Halo Infinite: Give participants two multiplayer tests

The first multiplayer test of Halo Infinite will take place starting from Thursday 23 September to Sunday 26 September. This beta will only be open to Halo Insider who have registered before 13 September. This means that not all of them will be suitable to be able to participate: if you have any uncertainty about this eligibility, you will get one official confirmation email in case you have the chance to participate in the beta.

Halo Infinite: Two consecutive multiplayer tests will take place in the coming days

Speaking of the second beta instead, it will take place in set times, starting from Thursday 30 September until Sunday 3 October. Details on schedules and eligibility some players have been promised within the next week. In any case, if you want more information on these beta tests, you can follow the official live due to Wednesday 22 September on Halo channels on both Twitch and Youtube. In addition to more detailed information on the multiplayer tests, you will also have the opportunity to take a look at the mode Big Team Battle 12 v 12.

To stay up to date on Halo Infinite and on all the most important titles of the moment, we invite you to stay tuned on the pages of TechGameWorld.com. If, on the other hand, you prefer to buy game keys at discounted prices, you can do so by going to Instant Gaming.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.