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Health: all the apps useful for achieving physical and mental well-being

You know, when a new year begins, one of the most inflated resolutions is the promise of get back in shapeso why not use apps capable of helping us in a non-toxic way, bringing benefits to ours body and to ours mental health?

Health: all the apps useful for physical and mental well-being

An old saying goes “Mens sana in corpore sano” and it is actually like this: taking care of ourselves must start first of all from our mind to feel good also in the body.

It is still true, however, that loving ourselves very often proves to be a very difficult challenge to overcome: we are bombarded daily by unprecedented pressure that comes from precisely that society that demands standards of beauty that are impossible to achieve.

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All this pressure makes you feel in the vast majority of cases often inadequate, real lost cases. But feeling good about yourself is an effort that we must make not to respect the standards that society imposes, but because we are the people with whom we will spend the rest of our lives and loving each other is almost a duty.

And mind you, to love yourself you don’t need to have sculptural bodies or adopt absurd diets bordering on madness, perhaps following the wrong advice that only creates damage and which sometimes proves to be irreparable.

Loving each other can become easy using technology too. So why not discover some apps that we might consider good for our mental and physical health? Let’s see some of them together.

The apps for our body

Big Fit Girl

Louise Green is an influencer and size inclusive coach who has created an ideal app for getting in shape without necessarily having to become a bodybuilder. Big Fit Girl is an inclusive space, ideal for all body types and all ages, with a wide variety of workouts.

The app is in English and paid, but the more curious can take advantage of a free 7-day trial period, ideal for experimenting with the workouts on the platform such as cardio, boxing, daily challenges. In addition, Big Fit Girl is available via browser, so that it can also be used comfortably from a computer.

The app also includes, for those who know the language, daily mantras, interviews with experts and a podcast held by Louise Green, ideal for reflecting on the meaning of keeping fit by accepting one’s physical shape, whatever it is.

Last but not least, Big Fit Girl allows you to train with whatever you have at homefrom the chair to the elastic bandages.

Charity Miles

To get back in shape all it takes is a motivation and if we don’t want to do it for ourselves, maybe we could do it for otherscon Charity Miles.

We’re talking about an app that uses long walks, runs or bike rides to support charities. Every mile is transformed into a donation and the app explains how to make this transformation happen: by involving the community.

Users can be sponsored by the sponsors of the charity chosen during registration, by their friends and acquaintances or by Charity Miles brand partners. Because even wanting to help others can be the right spring to take care of ourselves.

Plant Nanny

Taking care of yourself also starts from one proper hydration and not just from physical movement. In this regard, Plant Nanny can be useful, which is more than a simple “water reminder”. Plant Nanny is prefigured as a sort of game, where drinking water constantly induces the user to water plants.

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What does this mean? That the more we remember to drink, the more lush our virtual garden will be! In this way we will get used to taking liquids constantly in an easy and fun way, an essential factor if we want to lead a life as healthy as possible.

In fact, it has been shown that drinking too little water leads to serious consequences not only on a physical level (think of the very painful kidney stones), but also on a mental level, as there is a feeling of tiredness that makes any activity difficult.

Plant Nanny is available for both iOS and Android.

Mental health apps

In addition to feeling good in your body, we must also feel benefits on a mental level.

Habit Tracker

If you are not interested in focusing solely on losing weight, but simply putting on some order in your lifeHabit Tracker could be the right application.

The app presents users approaching it for the first time with a list of healthy habits that they can follow every day, while leaving them free to modify them and add new ones at will. For example, you might be interested in improving your sleep cycle, starting a Yoga class to reduce stress or simply carving out time to call the people who populate our lives.


It is a very useful app for take care of your own psychological balance, emotional and why not, too physicist. Daylio stands as sort of digital diarywhere the user selects the mood or state of mind of the moment and add all the activities performed during the day.

In this way the app keeps a precise log of daily activities, allowing the user to keep track of what they do and their sensations and consequently be able to take steps to eliminate everything that makes them feel bad and improve what they do feel good.


Useful for defeat negative thoughts and stresss, Happify allows you to be able to take care of your mental health in a fun way through a series of games and activities that can be enjoyed wherever you are.

Available for free but also in the Plus version, Happify provides users with a series of proven techniques that are based on positive psychology and on the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Happify is available for both iOS and Android users.

Of course, the apps mentioned so far are just examples of how to take care of yourself in a positive and technological way.

Finally, we remind you that the recommended applications do not replace a medical consultation in the most absolute way. If you feel the need to seek professional help, trust and let yourself be guided by your trusted doctor.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.