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Here’s how much it costs to insure electric scooters

In the reform of Traffic Laws falls theElectric scooter insurancehere we explain how much it costs.

Electric scooter insurance, here's how much it costs, source DepositPhotosElectric scooter insurance, here’s how much it costs, source DepositPhotos

From insurance to license plates for electric scooters

Premise: in Italiaaccording to a first photograph, in the street there are about 550,000 electric scooters. 42 mila they are part of the sharing park and are insured.

While, the remainder will have to pay a RC policy of around 40 euros a year.

Not only that, we add to this that electric scooters will also have to be labeled. And the obligation to wear a helmet will start.

In short, is the fun over for the owners of electric scooters?

Let’s say that al Cabinet, last June 27, this is a topic that is very close to our hearts on the agenda. Above all, it falls within the design of amending law of the Traffic Laws.

Not only that, it’s a way to put more and more order in cities crowded with electric scooters. These often abandoned or left in the wild.

Let’s give the numbers and the new rules

Scooters operated by sharing companies, according to the company’s latest 2021 projection Assosharing I am 45.900. These I’m coveredi fromliability insurance.

Private numbers matter 500 mila and, in theory, they will have to adjust.

Now, the bill provides: “Scooters with predominantly electric propulsion cannot be placed on the road. These if they are not covered by the civil liability insurance, towards third parties provided for by art. 2054 of the civil code”.

In essence, compulsory liability insurance is triggered for electric scooters.

How are the costs for private individuals quantified?

Here’s the hot potato: quantify the costs for private individuals. The experts of have their say: “To be protected in the event of damage to third parties during the use of the scooter, there are currently two ways.

On the one hand, this guarantee is included in products that protect the policyholder and the family at 360° for many eventualities, the so-called Head of Family RC policy, a cover that is made up of various parts and which can also include the case of the scooter.

Electric scooter insurance, here's how much it costs, source DepositPhotosElectric scooter insurance, here’s how much it costs, source DepositPhotos

On the other hand, however, it is possible to take out specific insurance policies for urban mobility vehicles which therefore protect the policyholder while using the electric scooter and in the event that it causes damage to third parties or third party objects. In the case of the household RC, prices start at just under 55 euro per year for basic coverage that also includes scooter damage.

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While for a specific policy for scooters we are talking about just under 40 euro per year for single coverage and approx 80 euro for the version that protects all family members who could drive the vehicle”.

Scooters, a very precious treasure

Let’s do the math. By spending 40 euros a year for each single scooter (there are families who own more than one). The operation generates 20 million euros per year at current rates. An amount that will go to cover damages to third parties in the event of an accident.

Also considering the national report on sharing mobility, drawn up by the National Observatory of Sharing Mobility, data emerge on the accident rate of rented scooters which in part disavow social alarms.

In 2021 there were 634 accidents recorded with shared vehicles. Of these the 77% they took place “on a single vehicle”, i.e. without involving other vehicles or people and therefore, in fact in most cases, without activating civil liability.

In a note, Assosharing writes about the bill and the new regulations: “The only serious or fatal accidents are linked to vehicles that are already non-compliant and do not respect the speed limits”.

The ‘plasticised and non-removable adhesive’ plate

However, the novelty introduced by the bill approved by Palazzo Chigi, which must now be examined by Parliament, is the identifier of the scooters, a sort of license plate. It is a question, says the law, of a “special identification mark adhesive, laminated and non-removable, printed by the Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato”. It will consist of a unique alphanumeric combination. The bill also establishes that the printing and sale of the stickers will be regulated by the department of the Ministry of Infrastructure, i.e. the Motorisation. The label must be displayed in a visible manner. On the other hand, the decree does not speak of the creation of a category of vehicles with which, precisely, the Motorization classifies the vehicles that are cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles and so on, on the basis of which it also issues the plates.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.