Horizon Forbidden West: Guerrilla rivela tante novità sul gameplay thumbnail

Horizon Forbidden West: Guerrilla reveals lots of gameplay news

Guerrilla Games recently revealed a lot of news about it Horizon Forbidden West, the new chapter of the PlayStation 5 exclusive series coming next February: this time particular attention has been given to gameplay of the game which, according to what is shared, seems to be much more layered and complex than the first chapter. Let’s take a look at everything we know.

Horizon Forbidden West: gameplay news

Among the first details that have emerged in the past few hours we find first of all Aloy’s vocations, or the skill trees that our archer will be able to develop as we advance in the adventure. In the game you will be able to travel 6 different roads, each containing from 20 to 30 skills: we have the branch of Warrior, which focuses on melee attacks, and the Huntress, which instead focuses everything on the bow and arrows.

To better resist the blows there is the way of Survived, which increases maximum health and improves resource recovery, while for those who love to hack machines we have the class Master of Machines. The last two specializations are that of Trapper, which focuses on creating traps, and theInfiltrated, for all those who prefer a stealth approach.

Horizon Forbidden West gameplay

Just as it did in the first chapter, we will be able to advance in this skill tree in the way we prefer and we will not necessarily have to choose one vocation at the expense of another. On the contrary, it is likely that the greatest effectiveness will be obtained by trying to obtain some key skills from each specialization available for our heroine.

As if that weren’t enough, some skills can be upgraded by spending additional points after unlocking them, in order to increase their effects. An element that is then able to interface directly with the bonuses guaranteed by our equipment, which can further amplify these abilities.

Crafting, side missions and combat

Among the other information that has been revealed by the developers stands out the greater attention that has been paid to side missions, that in this new adventure of Aloy they should guarantee better rewards, in theory capable of enticing the player to seek and tackle the various secondary activities that crowd the game world.

However, one of the aspects on which Guerrilla seems to have focused more on this round concerns the crafting and management of their equipment. In fact, in Forbidden West we will have a real one workshop to refer to, which will allow us to upgrade weapons and armor through the materials of the machines. The basic bow, for example, can be upgraded three times, and once at most it will unlock the ability to shoot new types of arrows.

The same goes for the armor, which can be improved from 3 to 5 times, which will guarantee us a greater defense and a improved version of the skills associated with these pieces of equipment.

Finally, there will be what looks like a new arena dedicated to combat, called Melee Pit, which will serve both as a location dedicated to overcoming certain gameplay challenges, and to learn new melee combos, presumably to be performed with the spear. In short, the game seems to start on the right foot and we can’t wait for next February.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.