Come Amazon vuole rivoluzionare la radio con la sua app Amp thumbnail

How Amazon wants to revolutionize radio with its Amp app

Last spring Amazon launched Amp, its platform streaming audio dal vivowith the purpose of reinvent the radio. Users can access a extensive built-in music library to create your own DJ sets, without needing to buy songs or worry about rights: just create a playlist, go live, interact with the chat and even invite calls – like in a classic radio. After a year on iOS, Amp also comes to Android. While it remains in beta only in the United States, the app that revolutionized radio is growing. But the point is: was there a need?

Amp, Amazon reinvents the radio with an app. Will it work?

Amazon Amp is the first streaming platform developed internally by Amazon and the fact that it was exclusive to Apple devices for a year had an impact on its growth and user base. With the arrival on Android, Amp will open up to a wider audience of users. Also because, by its nature, it needs creators to be successful.

And Amazon will have to contend for users in an ever-changing music app landscape. In fact, there are already plenty of options for finding DJ sessions and online radios. Among which YouTube, TikTok, Stationhead e Tidal. However, Amazon Amp tries to distinguish itself with its unique features.

The possibility of create custom playlists and go live with real-time interactions through chat makes Amp a promising platform for music lovers. Not just because they can offer personally curated song lists. But because this approach could also allow “conductors” to achieve success, not just those who produce music.

A unique proposition, but will it be successful?

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Zach Sang, one of Amp’s contract creators, explained to Engadget that the app is a mix between “Sirius and YouTube”. The platform offers a real radio experience, combining traditional broadcasting with the future of online broadcasting. Amazon sees the project as a “democratization of radio,” where everyone can participate and create radio content.

Users can discover new streaming radio stations, based on the charisma of the creators and their skill as a DJ. And also, unlike other platforms like Stationhead, they won’t need to have an account on Apple Music or Spotify, since Amp offers a huge built-in music library.

Amp co-founder Matt Sandler pointed out that Amp aims to balance creator accessibility with the ability to find a large audience. Which underlies user-created content platforms such as social media and YouTube.

The commitment to build a network of successful creators

Amp has partnered with renowned celebrities and emcees such as Nicki Minaj, Joe Budden, Nick Cannon e Zach Sang. However, Amp avoided creating barriers between celebrities and normal creators, allowing everyone to have equal visibility. Shows from common creators can stand alongside those from celebrities, without any distinction.

There are celebrities from different genres of music, such as hip-hop, sport, country e pop. Although some users complain about the lack of personality of the alt/indie or electronic world.

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Currently, Amp uses a fund to pay many of its hosts, but aims to provide alternative mechanisms for creators to make money through the service. Like subscriptions and tips, similar to Twitch. The goal is keep creators motivated and attract new ones. However, Amp will need to work to deliver realistic revenue streams to sustain creators for the long term.

Will Amazon reinvent radio with Amp?

At the moment, Amp has yet to make itself known. There is little promotion of the app and the main promotion tool is its social channels. Improving visibility would attract more users and help build a stronger creator economy, increasing opportunities to earn through tips, subscriptions, and more. Realistically, however, this will happen once the app leaves beta.

Amp feels like a single app. But even though there aren’t many direct competitors, there are other services that can offer something similar. THE podcast allow you to hear opinions and opinions of favorite creators, le music streaming apps allow you to listen to the tracks we love. And then there’s the “classic” radio which already offers several digital activities, as well as filling the journeys to work or holidays with music.

We like the idea of ​​Amp and as soon as it arrives in Italy we will try it. But we can’t bet on the fact that it can find space between podcasts, music and audiobooks in our ears. Not yet.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.