Come tenere al sicuro il vostro Green Pass thumbnail

How to keep your Green Pass safe

How to keep your Green Pass thumbnail safe

The Green Pass (or rather the COVID-19 green certification) allows you to participate in events and public activities in safety, certifying that you are vaccinated, cured or have a negative swab. But in recent weeks we have heard too often about online scams, certificate cloning and many other news (not all based) on anti-Covid certification. So Panda Security he wanted to clarify and give us some advice to download and use the Green Pass safely.

Green Pass and IT security: Panda Security’s advice

The certificate is for participate in public events, access healthcare residences, move between regions in the orange and red zone in Italy and between different EU countries. All this while minimizing the risk of spreading the virus with which we have been fighting for a very long time. The certification is digital and can be saved on the device, simplifying operations. But it can also be printed. The important thing is to receive it after vaccination, certification of recovery or a negative swab from the COVID-19 Green Certification site, from the Immuni app, from the IO app and soon also from the electronic health record.

The Green Pass contains personal information that may be of interest to cybercriminals. In particular, according to Panda Security we run the risk of data theft or even identity theft. In fact the QR code and Certification can be cloned like any device. So how to protect yourself?

  • Install a powerful antivirus and always keep it updated
  • Use the device security options for remote formatting in case of theft or loss
  • Use 2-factor authentication (perhaps using the fingerprint as a second method)
  • Do not connect to open Wi-Fi networks or public. In case you really have to, use a VPN (Panda Security even offers a free one)
  • Do not share data and Certification with other people, especially via email, messages or on social networks
  • Pay attention to the phishingAny suspicious Certification-related message could be an attempt to extract credentials

All these measures are important for the security of your device but become essential to protect the Green Pass. If you are looking for a powerful antivirus to use on all devices, evaluate the Panda Security one at this address.

By following these rules, the Green Pass will be safe. And we will all be safer, too, knowing that the anti-Covid certifications are all authentic.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.