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How to save on driving license renewal

In this guide we will reveal everything you need to know about renewing your driving license and we will also explain some ways to save

Sooner or later for every motorist the fateful moment comes license renewal. This procedure is quite simple, but at the same time also very annoying. Indeed, no one is ever happy to be forced to waste time and money for the renewal of a document. To help you get prepared for that fateful moment we have therefore decided to write this guide, where we will reveal everything you need to know about renewing your driving licence and we will also tell you some ways to save.

How to save on driving license renewal

Expiration dates | How to save on driving license renewal

First it’s important make sure of expiration of your document. Fortunately this date is clearly visible on the front of your driving license next to item 4b. If you are not sure when your document will expire then you can refresh your memory by simply taking a look at it. Plus, for many, it will be quite easy to remember the expiration date, given that it’s now Licenses generally always expire on the owner’s birthday.

Furthermore, based on your age, the validity of your driving license will have a very specific duration. Below you can find the various periods of validity of the document based on the age group:

  • Up to 50 years the license is valid for 10 years
  • From 51 to 70 years old the license is valid for 5 years
  • From 71 to 80 years old the license is valid for 3 years
  • Once you are over 80 years old you will need to renew your license every 2 years

How to save on driving license renewal

No racing | How to save on driving license renewal

Many people don’t know that to renew your driving license you don’t have to wait until the expiry date. The document in fact it can be renewed 4 months before its actual expiry. Considering that the time required to obtain the new license is about 10 days, starting the renewal procedure a little early will certainly allow you to feel more at ease. If your license has already expired, however, you have nothing to worry about, since There are no additional costs or longer times for the procedure.

However, if your document has no longer been valid for 5 years then the matter becomes more complicated. In this case, in fact, you will be forced to repeat the entire process necessary to obtain the license, therefore including both the theoretical and practical exam. Renewing the document in this case therefore involves not only a much longer waiting period but also some extremely increased costs. To save both time and money we therefore advise you to Check the expiry date of your license often and proceed with renewal as soon as possible.

How to save on driving license renewal

Possible sanctions | How to save on driving license renewal

If your license has already expired, we strongly advise you against getting behind the wheel, as you could incur very expensive penalties. In fact, being caught driving with your document no longer valid could lead to a fine ranging from a minimum of €160 up to over €600. Furthermore, the situation could worsen even more in the event of an accident, given that your insurance may not cover damages. In short, if you want to save yourself a very heavy fine, we advise you to renew your license in time.

How to save on driving license renewal

Renew your driving license | How to save on driving license renewal

If your driving license has expired or is about to expire, you can go to a driving school, an ASL, a car registration agency or the DMV. Regardless of your choice you will always have to drive a new one medical examination and provide again documents such as identity card, tax code and previous driving licence. You will also have to submit two passport photos and payment receipts carried out by the applicant and foreseen for the renewal of the expired licence.

The amounts to be paid are: €10.20 for Motor Vehicle rights and €16.00 for stamp duty. Payment must be made via PagoPain a single solution for the rate N004-RIGHTS €10.20 | STAMPS €16.00 – RENEWAL OF LICENSE. The entire procedure can be carried out conveniently via the website Motorist Portal.

This procedure is valid both for a license that is about to expire and for one that has already expired, but the situation changes if your document has expired for more than 5 years. As we anticipated in the previous paragraphs, in this situation you will be forced to repeat both the practical and theoretical exams, significantly increasing both renewal times and costs.

How to save on driving license renewal

Where is it best to renew? | How to save on driving license renewal

So we come to the crucial question: Where is it best to renew your driving license if you want to save money? In this case the simplest answer is that of go to the ASL and the Motorization Office. In fact, in these offices you will only have to bear the costs of carrying out the procedures. Remember, however, that in this case yesyou will have to carry out all the procedures personally and you will have no one around to help you.

However, if you prefer to save time rather than money, then you can turn to a car handling agency. Renew an expired license in these offices It’s a little more expensivebut at least you will have the advantage of delegate all the work to the agency. For this reason, if you want to try to spend as little as possible, it is better to go to the ASL and the Motorization Office but, if you prefer to renew your license quickly and without having to commit too much, then it is more convenient to contact a car registration agency.

How to save on driving license renewal

Ready to get back to driving!

This concludes our guide on how to save on driving license renewal. We hope that this article has been useful to you and has allowed you to carry out this annoying procedure in the way that best suits you.

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