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How to save to get your driving license

Have you just turned 18? This means that you can finally start driving a car and roam the streets freely, but before putting the key in the ignition, you will need a driving license, in this article you will discover how to save money to get a license

First of all we want to list what you can drive with it B driving licence, as there are different licenses of different classes that allow you to drive different types of vehicles. Below you will find the complete list.

  • Campers with a mass not exceeding 3.5 tons.
  • Trucks with a total mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes.
  • Agricultural machines without any weight limitation.
  • Operating machines used on non-exceptional construction sites and of maximum 3.5 tons.
  • Tricycles not exceeding 50 cc and with a maximum speed of 45 km/h.
  • Motorcycles of 125 cc and power of 11 kW (if the license is obtained after 25 April 1988).
  • Quadricycles for transporting goods, with only one other person in the driving cab and with an unladen mass not exceeding 0.55 tonnes.

Now that you know what you can drive, you will now also discover how to save money to get your license. Let’s begin!

How to save to get your driving license

Get your private driving license | How to save for your driving license

The suggestion we would most like to give you is to get your private driving licence. The procedure is simple: just go to the authorized Civil Motorization office and apply by filling out the modulo TT2112 and delivering the requested documentation. also a medical certificate given by the ASL, after the medical examination for driving. Once you are ready for the theory exam, you can take the quiz at the same Motorization office and, if passed successfully, receive the pink sheet to start practicing with the car. At this point, however, the law provides at least 6 lessons with an instructorbut if necessary you can also ask a relative or friend who has a driving license from 10 years and that does not exceed 65 years of age. On the day of the driving test, you will need to go to the motor vehicle office and take the test with the car indicated in the TT2112 form. If you pass the test, you will be issued B driving licence.

How to save to get your driving license

Why a private driver’s license is worth it | How to save to get your driving license

Nowadays getting a private driving license costs more than in previous years, but it becomes more and more convenient compared to picking it up at a driving school. The costs of the driving school, in fact, can vary from 700 you have 900 euros (depends on the driving school), this also includes theory lessons from the teacher. As a private individual, however, you spend around 650 euro, so there is a nice saving margin. However, consider that you will also have to take care of the delivery of documents and the request to take the driving license exams. If you are new to theory, perhaps the more complete service of a driving school would suit you. If you think about driving without a license, we wholeheartedly advise you against it, not only because there would be a very high fine ranging from 5000 to 30000 euros in case you get caught, but also for your safety and that of others.

How to save to get your driving license

Quiz tips and tricks | How to save to get your driving license

The most complicated (and boring) part of studying for the driving license is the theoretical exam, often with trick questions. However, there are some tricks that can help you avoid being fooled and pass the exam:

  • Be careful of false synonyms: sometimes you may encounter questions with words that seem synonymous but are not, such as “roadway” and “lane”, “in proximity” and “in correspondence”, “emergency room” and “emergency response”, etc. . Furthermore, the word “or” in the questions means “or” and not “that is”.
  • Always answer “false” to all questions with the words twin wheels, fourth gear, wrong, right, driveshaft, cooling water pump, radiator.
  • Always answer “true” to all questions with the words crime, complementary signal, replaces.
  • These tricks, however, should never replace the study of theory. So don’t cheat and prepare for the exam by following the study program. If you are patient and above all attentive, you will finally have yours B driving licence and you will finally be able to drive a nice car, like those present in the list of the best cars for 20,000 euros. Continue to follow us on for much more from the world of motors!