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How to use ChatGPT in Italy without VPN

The Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data has recently blocked access to ChatGPT in Italy, let’s see how to access without VPN

The Guarantor for the protection of personal data is the Italian body in charge of protecting the privacy and personal data of users. As you surely know, recently, the Ensures blocked access to ChatGPT, il known virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence, as it did not comply with the personal data protection requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Blocking access to ChatGPT is an important sign of the need to secure protection of the personal data of users, especially at a time when digital technology is becoming more widespread and personal information is increasingly vulnerable. THE modi per continuation ad use the service however are different; in this guide we see how to easily access from Italy to ChatGPT senza VPN easily and safely.

How to use ChatGPT in Italy without VPN

Poe | ChatGPT senza VPN

We want to tell you about Poe, that is a tool gratuito based on the Quora platform that provides you with the ability to talk to different voice assistants. Among them there is, of course, also ChatGPT. The strength of this tool is certainly the ease of use which translates to a simple interface which sees the selection menu of the requested service on the left and the conversation on the right.

I advantages to use Poe are various, starting from speed. In fact, even when the service was still online in Italy it was always a lot this e congested. Under equal conditions almost always using the virtual assistant via Poe was faster and more satisfying. Not only that, because you will have free access to the new version based on GPT-4 usually paid. The only limit will be that of being able to ask only one question a day, but we are sure that you will not let it get away.

As I said, the supported platforms are not limited only to ChatGPT, but also to Sage, Claude o Dragonfly. We absolutely advise you to also try other services available as being different from ChatGPT they could do better to your case. However, Poe provides you with a list of suggestions as you write your question. It goes without saying that the voice assistant to understand and vi he answers in Italian language, exactly like the “mother” version later made inaccessible.

How to use ChatGPT in Italy without VPN

How to download Poe? | ChatGPT without VPN

We have seen how Poe is a really powerful tool, which gets around the che block ChatGPT suffered in Italy interfacing with these services from abroad. Downloading it is really simple because it is available on the official website, by registering for free or by logging in via Google o Facebook. In any case, the iPhone version is also available. For Android there is work in progress, but we are sure that in a short time we will also have that version.

What do you think about this tool? Let us know with a comment below and continue reading to stay updated on the latest news and more.