Imagine with Meta AI: il generatore di immagini è disponibile online thumbnail

Imagine with Meta AI, the image generator arrives online

Meta recently launched a dedicated site for Imagine with Meta AI, an image generator. In this way, it is testing various AI features for platforms such as Facebook, Instagram e WhatsApp. And users can generate images by registering online on the dedicated site.

Imagine with Meta AI, the image generator arrives online

Imagine with Meta AIwhich premiered during the Connect event in Meta last November, it was part of the company’s AI chatbot so far. However, the most notable news is its launch as a standalone tool on the dedicated website Imagine.meta.comopening the doors to public use.

This tool, based on the model Emu Of Metaallows users to create images from simple text instructions, generating four images for each request. However, all images produced have a watermark visible in the bottom left corner, clearly indicating the use of theIt’s in Meta for their creation.

imagine with meta ai image generator min

Metait is proposed to adopt a system of invisible watermark in the future, designed to resist common image manipulations, such as cropping, color changes and more. This should avoid abuse by making it harder to pretend that artificial images are real.

Another innovation introduced by Meta it is the instrument of “reimagine“, which allows users to edit images already created with theIt’s in Meta within chats with friends. However, to access this tool ea Imagine.meta.coman account is required Meta. Although it is unclear whether Meta plans a future connection with the virtual reality per Imaginethe company has shown a growing interest in the use ofGenerative AI to reinvigorate his metaverso.

Tested on all platforms

In parallel with the launch of Imagineas Engadget points out, Meta is testing numerous features of generative artificial intelligence within its platforms. On InstagramFor example, the company is looking into the ability to turn horizontal images into portraits with the “Expander“. Likewise, up Facebookl’Generative AI will extend to places like Groups e Marketplace.

The use ofGenerative AI it doesn’t stop here: Meta is also testing writing suggestions generated byIA for feed posts, dating profiles of Facebook and responses automatically generated by creators in direct chats of Instagram.

The launch of Imagine and the extensive series of tests and innovations ingenerative artificial intelligence they demonstrate how Meta is adopting and investing heavily in this technology. We expect news in the coming months too.


Imagine with Meta AI

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.