Instagram punta sui contenuti originali e bandisce il repost thumbnail

Instagram launches new membership features for creators

Instagram launches new subscription features for thumbnail creators

L’Apps on Instagram just announced new subscription features for creators to allow them to generate more revenue. These include subscriber-only group chats, exclusive videos and posts, and even a restricted section within the creator’s profile, so that paying users can easily access the content they paid for. In short, a series of options that will make the most avid fans of some of the most famous Instagram figures happy.

Instagram: App adds new options to creators’ membership plans

New subscription features for Instagram creators. The App has in fact recently added the group chat for subscribersavailable only for 24 hours and for a maximum of 30 participants, so as to allow creators to better manage relationships with the community. And it is certainly not the only novelty of the platform. To this must be added a section of content reserved for subscribers on the creator’s profile, and the ability to create posts and reels that are paying users can view. Three new functions, then. So from increase creator revenue on the platform.

“A really important thing for creators all over the world is sustainable income – reports Adam Mossei in a video in which he presents the news of the App -. At the end of the day, if you are a creator, you are a company and a great way to establish a sustainable and predictable income is through subscriptions ”. On the other hand, as we have already said several times, Meta is very keen that creators are able to monetize well on its platforms. So much so that they decide to give up a percentage of their earnings – at least until 2024 -. It is clear, therefore, that creators are important to Facebook and Instagram. And it is precisely for this reason that Meta has expanded the subscription functions available to them on the Apps.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.