Instagram rimuove l'account di PornHub thumbnail

Instagram removes the PornHub account

Instagram removes the PornHub thumbnail account

Instagram removed the official account of PornHub, just as pressure from activists against the site is mounting. The news was first reported by Variety, who found that at the time of its removal, PornHub’s Instagram account had approximately 13.1 million followers and 6200 posts. Despite this, it would seem that the social media accounts of the platform work perfectly. After all, it’s not clear why Meta decided to remove her Pornhub account.

Pornhub: Instagram removes the platform account

Instagram removed the Pornhub account for no apparent reason. Although the screenshots shared by the activist There Mickelwait suggest that the account was removed for violating community guidelines. Mickelwait heads the “TraffickingHub” campaign, an advocacy group dedicated to “shutting down Pornhub and holding its executives accountable for allowing, distributing and profiting from rape, child abuse, sex trafficking and sexual abuse based on criminal image” .

Mickelwait is an activist against sex trafficking. And you seem to have ties to evangelical Christian groups who advocate the total abolition of all sex work and commercial pornography. In a statement posted on Twitter, Mickelwait said that Instagram and Meta made “the right decision by severing ties with Pornhub”, and that it was time for other big tech companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft to “follow suit”. Criticism of PornHub for facilitating the distribution of child pornography has grown in recent years. And it ended up involving its business partners, even leading to the resignation of the CEO and COO. Meta’s decision, therefore, would seem to be just the umpteenth move against the platform. We wait to understand what will be next.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.