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Instagram will recognize and tag photos taken with the AI

Instagram will recognize and tag photos taken with the AI ​​thumbnail

Instagram is working on a new feature that it will label the photos and videos created with the intervention of a model based on generative AI. This novelty will make it easier to identify content that has been created or modified with AI. Or at least, that’s what Instagram is banking on.

Instagram will label photos generated by the AI

In the screen shared on X (Twitter) by the researcher Alexander Paluzzi (reported by DDay), the label will appear saying that “the creator or Meta has said that this content was created or modified with AI“, also providing a brief explanation of what generative AI is.

However, it’s still not clear how Meta will be able to identify this content when it is not the user himself who specifies itor. It could use an artificial intelligence capable of recognizing the use of AI. But how could it recognize the most sophisticated results?

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The increasingly widespread use of AI-generated images has generated confusion in the past, as it wasn’t always obvious which ones were real and which ones weren’t. Indeed, we know that some users have won major photographic awards with AI, only to admit it and give it up.

The introduction of this label on Instagram could help distinguish real content from AI-edited content or, at least, strongly influenced by it. Making sure that the cases of shared fake news are reduced. But we will have to wait for Instagram to launch this novelty and for researchers to test it live to find out if and how much it works.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.