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Intel wants to build chips in Italy

Intel wants to build chips in Italy thumbnail

Intel and the Italian government are discussing bringing a chip factory in Italy. The plan to build semiconductors in our country puts a good 8 billion euros of investments on the plate. A tenth of what Intel has promised to invest in the European Union.

Intel wants to build an 8 billion euro factory in Italy

The American chip company is “having constructive discussions with the leader di government of multiple nations of the European Union “. But according to what Giuseppe Fonte and Giulio Piovaccari report on Reuters, conversations with the Draghi government are intensifying.

Our country would collect about 10% of what Intel promised and supported by” EU 2030 Digital Agenda, which sees several billionaire investments across the region. In fields ranging from cloud to 5G. But the investment in the field of chip production is particularly important in this period, in which we are all aware of the need to increase the production of processors for every sector, from servers to smart washing machines.

Intel Core 12th generation

Intel says it is “encouraged by the many possibilities to support the EU 2030 digital agenda and ambitions in the field of semiconductors of the Union. While the negotiations are still ongoing and secret, we plan to make announcements as soon as possible ”.

With our country, Intel would be discussing setting up a factory for “the advanced semiconductor packaging“, Therefore one of the final stages of the production of the chip. The Draghi government would like to have confirmation of the opening of the factory before launching some incentives for hiring and reductions in energy costs, according to sources close to Palazzo Chigi.

At the moment they have not yet decided where the plant will be located. But we will keep you updated as soon as there is more news. It seems the announcement isn’t that far off.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.