Intel produrrà alcuni chip di Qualcomm thumbnail

Intel will produce some Qualcomm chips

Intel will produce some Qualcomm thumbnail chips

Intel and Qualcomm give life to a truly historic trade agreement. The two companies, in fact, have entered into a truly unexpected partnership. As a result of the new agreement, Intel will take care of the production of future Qualcomm chips that will be able to take advantage of the Intel 20A production process. Qualcomm will therefore be the first major partner in Intel’s new Foundry Services program.

Qualcomm and Intel start a new collaboration

I Qualcomm’s new chips they will use the Intel 20A manufacturing process recently announced by the company. The actual start of production activities is scheduled for 2024. Intel’s new process will use a new transistor architecture called RibbonFET. It should be noted that, at least for the moment, there are no precise details regarding the characteristics of the Qualcomm chips that will be produced thanks to the new agreement between the two companies in the near future. More details on the matter will certainly come in the next few weeks.

There is also Amazon among Intel customers

Also Amazon Web Serivces can count on the program Foundry Services di Intel According to what was found in these hours, in fact, Amazon AWS will use the chip packaging service made available by Intel. In any case, according to what has emerged at the moment, Intel will not produce chips directly for Amazon. The collaboration, however, represents an important commercial agreement for Intel and the Foundry Services program.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.