Intrum e Mooney, insieme per i pagamenti tramite QR Code univoco thumbnail

Intrum and Mooney, together for payments via a unique QR Code

Interior e Mooney sign a strategic partnership to offer safe and intuitive payments by generating a unique QR code. The system developed by Intrum arrives in the over 45,000 Mooney outlets.

Intrum and Mooney, payments via unique QR Code in 45 thousand points of sale

Paying at Mooney stores just got easier. In fact the Unique QR code received via smartphone or email allows you to pay both in cash and by debit card, in a few moments and in a more sustainable and simple way as the production of paper support is reduced.

At the moment the service is being launched on a sample of users. But between late 2022 and early 2023 iThe number of merchants will increase significantly. The goal is to provide an increasingly technologically advanced service, close to families and small businesses.

The CEO of Intrum in Italy, Alberto Maroneexplains: “In addition to facilitating the payments of tens of thousands of our users, thanks to both the technological tools, the capillarity of the affiliated businesses as well as the simplicity and immediacy of the system, the technology inherent in Mooney and the uniqueness of the related QR codes transactions guarantee faster processing of processes, also improving the work of our collaborators “.

Salvatore Borgese Mooney minSalvatore Borgese, Mooney General Manager Commercial & Banking Services

Salvatore BorgeseGeneral Manager Commercial & Banking Services of Mooney comments: “We are proud of the collaboration with an international company like Intrum, which immediately appreciated our open platform feature that combines the advantages of the digital experience with the convenience of a network. proximity – declared The path undertaken aims at facilitating, even the customers of our partners, a better access to financial services through payment and transactional instruments “.

Find out more about Mooney here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.