Alti e bassi del Bitcoin, crescono anche le truffe thumbnail

Investigation: We invest 100 euros in cryptocurrencies – Nine months later

Last month, we were left with a catastrophic situation of our cryptocurrency investment, which reached its lowest point with a loss of more than 60% from the initial value. A collapse certainly due to the current geopolitical tensions, but also to the increasingly heavy energy crisis, which is pushing investors to position themselves on less volatile assets than Crypto.

At the end of our previous update, we had hoped for at least a small rebound in the sector, able to show us a ray of light at the end of the tunnel and make us look to the future with renewed enthusiasm. At least for this time, our hopes have been fulfilled. Our Wallet on has indeed benefited from a small but important growth.

Our cryptocurrency investment: where we left off

Cryptocurrencies investment

At the end of June, we found ourselves with a cryptocurrency portfolio worth around € 38, a sharp decline not only from the initial € 100 investment, but also from the previous month. Faced with this situation, we decided to convert the few coins we had left of JasmyCoin in Bitcoin, focusing on the fact that any recovery of the entire sector must necessarily pass through the best known and most used cryptocurrency. Let’s find out how it went.

Our cryptocurrency investment: timid signs of recovery

Cryptocurrencies investment

As we mentioned at the beginning, the much desired rebound has finally occurred. Our investment has in fact grown by about 50% compared to last month’s value. Compared to the 100 euros that we initially invested, we still report a loss of more than 40%, but it was still important to reverse the trend. As can be seen from the image, all the cryptocurrencies in our possession have benefited transversally from the moment of recovery in the sector. Specifically, however, they deserve a mention Polygonup by more than 100% compared to the previous month, ed Ethereumone of the cryptocurrencies we focused on the most at the beginning and which until now has given us very little reason to smile.

Our moves


The rule we gave ourselves at the beginning of our cryptocurrency investment requires us to make at least one move every month, corresponding to our update article. As in the previous months, we choose once again to replenish our nest egg in Bitcoin, converting the few coins of Cronos earned through the Missions program, the portal that hosts us for this adventure.

So let’s start again from the share of 58 euros, still disheartening compared to our initial investment but able to lift our spirits after months of continuous declines. Will it be the right time for the definitive recovery of the sector? See you next month to find out.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.