iOS 15.4: arriva il riconoscimento facciale anche con la mascherina thumbnail

iOS 15.4: facial recognition also possible with the mask

iOS 15.4: facial recognition also arrives with the thumbnail mask

Apple confirmed it will launch iOS 15.4 next week: A particularly useful feature that will arrive on all iPhones in the next few days is an alternative method for unlock your device via facial recognition with Face ID while wearing a face mask. There will therefore no longer be a need for a Apple Watch to unlock the phone without removing the faceplate or entering the unlock code.

iOS 15.4: facial recognition with the mask arrives

Apple has been testing this new feature during public betas since January and you will need to manually activate it in the section Face ID e passcode of the Settings. However, the company has made an important recommendation: this technology does not work with sunglasses, since in this way the user’s face would be almost completely covered and impossible for the software to recognize.

Other features that are expected to arrive as part of iOS 15.4 include an anti-stalking warning for AirTagan unprecedented vocal option for Siri designed to transcend gender, support for the PS5 DualSense controller’s adaptive trigger, a way to add notes to iCloud keychain passwords, and dozens of new emojis for you to discover.

Plus, as if that weren’t enough, they’ll be released next week macOS Monterey 12.3 e iPadOS 15.4. Those updates will include the long-awaited universal control feature, long delayed by Apple, which will allow you to control multiple Macs and iPads with one keyboard and trackpad or mouse. Apple announced the Universal Control feature at WWDC in June, but delayed it from fall to this spring.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.